Chance me for RPI decent GPA and great extra curricular but a poor SAT

Hi, I’m getting more and more anxiety now that the application notification in less than a month away and I would really like some help about my chances for getting into one of my top schools, Rensselaer polytechnic institute. I want to go to this school because it has a stellar computer science course, one of the best in the country. The only issue is…I don’t know if I can cut it and it really freaks me out. I’m a bit of a peculiar case when it comes to my grades in school as I have a 3.8 GPA weighted (around 3.6 unweighted) and a REALLY bad SAT of 1010. My SAT was really bad as I suffered from a bad headache at the time of the test and my family at the time lacked the funds in order to set up a new one for me to take.

With my GPA I also took some AP and Honors classes, most notably AP computer science A, and I got an A+ average in the class. The thing that’s a bit weird and sets me out from other students is my lowerclassmen grades and upperclassmen grades, as in 9th and 10th I got basic B+ and the occasional A but in my 11th and 12th grade, I got all A’s and rarely a B. In average instances it would seem as if I don’t have much of a chance for RPI but I also have my extracurriculars. In my Junior year, I was both a lead role and a supporting role for my drama club, this was actually the thing that motivated me to apply myself in school. The next thing also in my junior year was a Skills USA computer programming competition, which I placed first in my state and then 14th out of 50 in the nationals. I feel as if this competition alone could maybe help prove that except my poor SAT score I might be worth it to the school. Lastly, for my senior year, I have the lighting head for drama club shows and is the co-founder and vice president of my school’s E-sports league.

I have a good college essay and a great letter of recommendation from my computer science teacher too.

Whether you’ll think I’ll get in or not thanks for your time and your response.

Edit: Sorry I forgot to mention I’m also African American, I don’t know if that will help my application chances though.

@80sblackguy I think you know the answer, you need to take the SAT again, or consider ACT. GPA and APs are not going to over come a 1010. You need to be north of 1400, preferably with a higher score on the math, like 750 plus. I suggest meeting with your HS advisor too. I believe there are waivers for SAT fees, although I have no clue how it works. RPI CS is not for the faint of heart. Data structures alone will stress you out and give you an even worse headache. As an alternative, and while you get you SAT / ACT up to par, consider a community college or state school, with the plan to transfer after the 1st year. If you are in NYS, the SUNY CS at StonyBrook and Binghamton are excellent. Bing has a previsional program where you go to SUNY Broome CC and if your CUM is good (> 3.0 ?) you get a clean transfer in. Search for Binghamton Advantage Program. In reality the 1st year is almost the same at every school. It’s not where you start but where you finish. Plus SUNY cost is more reasonable. Good luck.