<p> Stats</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 UW
SAT: Jan- 2180 (CR 730, MA 790, WR 660),
May- 2220 (CR 680, MA 800
SAT IIs: Chem: 800, Math IC: 680, 800 Bio E, 800 Bio M; Math IIc: 800
AMC: 102
USAMO: Epic Fail!!1!!</p>
<p> Stats</p>
<p>GPA: 4.0 UW
SAT: Jan- 2180 (CR 730, MA 790, WR 660),
May- 2220 (CR 680, MA 800
SAT IIs: Chem: 800, Math IC: 680, 800 Bio E, 800 Bio M; Math IIc: 800
AMC: 102
USAMO: Epic Fail!!1!!</p>
<p>I think you have a shot at Duke and some of the "lower" (I hate that term but it's thrown around a lot on CC so I'll use it) Ivies. Also, your background, location, etc. may change your situation. Make sure to write great essays and get good recommendations.</p>
<p>ECs? Hard to judge with only scores and GPA...</p>
<p>you are in for berkeley if you are in-state</p>
<p>for privates it just depends on your essays.. even great ECs don't mean much if you can't present yourself</p>
<p>extra curricular</p>
<p>• Classes (I'll just write major classes i took)</p>
<p>Very rigorous courses... </p>
<p>9th: honor bio, honor math
10th: honor chem, honor math
11th: AP Bio, AP Physics B, AP Calculus AB, AP Human Geography
12th (signed up for..): AP Chem, AP Physics C, AP Calculus BC, AP Computer Science, AP Statistics</p>
<p>*Got A+ in math for all three years so far
*One B+ in freshmen history course...everything else are A's</p>
<p>• Awards</p>
<li><p>Best Student for the year in... Honor Bio, Honor Chem, Honor Math, AP Bio, AP Calc, AP Physics B, and Biotechnology (Basically all the math/science courses I took )</p></li>
<li><p>South East Asian Math Competition: 2nd Place</p></li>
<li><p>Singapore International School Math Competition: 1st individual, and 1st team</p></li>
<li><p>School Winner for AMC</p></li>
<li><p>School Winner for other math competitions...like the Mandelbrots...etc</p></li>
<li><p>Community Service Award </p></li>
<p>• ECs</p>
<p>-Varsity Basetball
-Math Club (Vice president)
-Medical Club (Secretary)
-Extreme Sports club (Vice President)
-Jazz Band 1st Drummer </p>
<p>-National Honor Society
-Math Honor Society (Mu Alpha Theta)
-Chinese Honor Soceity</p>
<p>-House Building Project in Cambodia
-Volunteer work at hospitals, nursing home, etc
-Math, Biology tutor at shool</p>
<p>-Participant of a genomics research project</p>
<p>• Job Experience</p>
<p>-Drum Tutor
-Intern at Genomics research center for two months</p>
<p>I think you've got a borderline shot, just like about everyone else. Ur research will be really good, and ur grades are fine. I'm curious what year did you get into USAMO? cause last year I got 9 on AIME and a 105 on AMC12, and I didn't get in...lol</p>
<p>oh and isnt the south east asian math competition for asians in asian countries only? I'm just wondering (not trying to doubt your credentials)</p>
<p>oh also, I thought the south east asian math competition for asians in asian countries only? I'm just wondering (not trying to doubt your credentials).</p>
<p>yeah im an asian living in asia... lol </p>
<p>and i didn't get into USAMO just b/c im not a US citizen..pshhh</p>