Chance me for SUNY Binghamton and Advice?

I’m entering senior year in the fall and because I feel like my chances at Binghamton aren’t that good I would like some advice (since there is such little time left)

  • 98.125 GPA (unweighted)
  • 3 AP courses so far (Only got scores of 4 in English Lang, US History, and World History
  • Taking 5 APs in the fall
  • Highest SAT: 1330
  • Highest ACT: 29
  • Member of Science Olympiads
  • Member of Math Club
  • Member of Model Congress
  • Currently a second degree brown belt in karate
  • Summer job at a camp in 2016
  • Business Honors Society
  • Science Honors Society
  • National Honors Society
  • Spanish Honors Society

I don’t have any volunteer work or community service hours. Will this hinder my ability to get into Binghamton, or rather any college? Occasionally, my martial arts teacher assigns me to help out with the younger ranks and teach them certain things. Would this count as volunteering or no?

Other information I forgot to mention

-Citizenship: American
-State of residence: New York
-Class Size: 324 (my school doesn’t do ranking)
-Race: Asian
-Gender: Female

-Type (Public/private & size): Public

I also intend to major in Actuary Science

You have a pretty good shot, especially for harpur.

I know an increase on the SAT will obviously benefit anyone, but will a 1400 make much of a difference compared to my current 1330? I took the August SAT and suspect that my superscore will be roughly 1400 once the results come out. The average SAT at Binghamton is about a 1360 so I know a 1400 is above average, but it isn’t in the 75th percentile.

Watson, SOM and Decker are the most competitive schools at Bing to get into. If your major is within Harpur, I think you are fine. FYI, my son got into Harpur with 92 GPA and 1,270 SAT. He only had 1 AP class and the only extracurricular were junior varsity tennis team and over 500 hours of volunteering work. Killer essay, though, I will be honest, I think the essay got him over the edge.

I took the ACT a few days ago and suspect Ill get a 30 or 31. Would that be good for Harpur and SOM? Im guessing that it would be average for Harpur but not for SOM. Im on the edge between applying for SOM or Harpur. Im trying to plan this thoroughly because if I decide to switch my major, I want to be able to switch easily. Actuary Science falls under the Mathemarics major (in Harpur), so it’d be easier to get into than SOM. If I dont like Actuary science, I might want to do Accounting, but it would be harder to transfer into SOM sophomore year than it would be to enter fresh out of highschool. Im currently trying to find a backup major I could turn to in Harpur because Harpur is my best shot right now and it won’t require any transferring

I’m sort of lacking in community service but I hope my recent part time job can bolster my application?


I now have a 1410 SAT and 31 ACT. Which one would be better to submit? I feel like many people submit the ACT, but I feel like my math skills appear better on the SAT (since math was higher than english on the SAT, while on the ACT, math was my lowest score)

From what you wrote, I would say to submit the SAT.

A 1410 SAT is equivalent to a 30 ACT, so technically, I should submit my 31, but Im still not sure because most people in last year’s forum expressed being deferred with a 31. Many people submitted the ACT over the SAT, too. I feel like the colleges will think my 31 is only a result of my skewed scores though (My 35 English score is what brought it up to a 31). This is a personal opinion, but I always viewed the SAT as being harder, so a high score on the SAT would be impressive than a high ACT score. Would Binghamton have a problem with submitting both scores, because a 1410 SAT and a 31 ACT are approximately the same.

Unless they specifically say you can’t submit both, I don’t see why not. On Common App, I don’t think you can do ACT and sAT and SAT subject tests all together-- just two out of three. But I don’t know about the sUNY application.

@TheGreyKing On the Common App, it gives me the option of submitting both the ACT and SAT (I didn’t take subject tests), so I guess I can submit both. I wonder if they will prefer one or the other, or simply look at both and examine the better of the two. I’m banking on my essay score polishing up my SAT score (it was 7/7/7), and currently waiting for the ACT writing score to be released

Your ACT and SAT are strong so you can submit both. Your credentials are better than those of most students attending Binghamton. Unless you have really terrible letters, I seen a shoe in for any SUNY including Binghamton.

@lostaccount I am considering applying for the SOM. Do you still believe my ACT (31) and SAT (1410) are strong enough for the SOM, considering that is one of the best competitive schools at Bing?