Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

I think it is really important to understand the terms of this offer. It sounds like they are offering you a transfer agreement, not a gap year, meaning they are not offering first year on the Boston campus and you would join as a second year. Do you need to maintain a certain GPA during your first year at another school? During this year, are you allowed to apply to other schools? Many colleges say you can’t apply elsewhere during a gap year. These are just things you need to be clear on.



Just make sure you understand the terms of their offer. But I agree with everyone here about getting started at UMass. You sound really ready to head off to school!


This doesn’t sound at all like a sure thing to me. Unless I’m reading this wrong, any decision other than UMass could set you up for more drama and disappointment next year.

I’m going to say this as kindly as I can…there is a reason you were not accepted to so many of the schools on your list. Based on what you have posted here, your high school academic record does not have the rigor these schools are looking for. It isn’t about judging your ability and worth, it’s more about making sure you have the foundational skills to be successful at those schools.


If you do a gap year and reapply to NEU for 2024, you’ll be competing with another round of very highly qualified applicants. They talked about your exact scenario on a “Your College Bound Kid” podcast a couple of months ago and the advice discussed in that podcast that rarely do students end up getting an acceptance the 2nd time around from the school that first told them “no.”

And in this case, in terms of direct admittance to NEU, NEU has told you “no.” They told you “yes” to Oakland.

There’s still the option of doing 4 yr at UMass.

Has NEU said in writing that you can transfer in a year if you started elsewhere at a different school?

If not, then you might consider looking up the transfer student acceptance rates for NEU. It’s probably in their Common Data Set, published on their website.

What I fear is that you and your parents will put all your eggs in the “take a gap year and apply to NEU again” basket and you could get a rejection from that…and then you’ll have totally missed out on the UMass opportunity.

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I suspect that you will be very happy at umass once you start there. Unless you have achieved something truly incredible by fall, youre not gonna get accepted to the schools that rejected you. That ship has sailed. So go ahead and enroll and start at umass, go with a great attitude, throw yourself into your work and research, and just abandon the idea of wasting your precious time next fall doing the whole college application thing all over again. It is over. Time to move forward. If by some rare chance youre unhappy at umass, you can then transfer to NEU, although for the life of me, i cannot understand what you and your family see in it.


Found it. It’s at

NEU transfer students may only enroll in the spring. They had 3644 applicants for transfer. 1105 were accepted.

I just want to mention that rarely is there such unanimity of opinion from CC posters. It seems to me as well that UMass Honors is the way to go.

It is unlikely that a gap year will change admission results if you re-apply to the same group of schools (assuming you don’t cure cancer or do something truly extraordinary during the gap year). Additionally the SAT/ACT are exams meant for HS students so no admission officer is likely to be impressed by even a very high score on a standardized test taken post-HS graduation.

I also would not go to UMass with the idea of transferring as it will stand in the way of your putting in the time and energy to start new friendships, develop relationships with professors, get involved in campus life etc. It is fine to throw a couple of applications if you don’t love the school/program in but you can’t count on any working out.

You have a great opportunity staring right at you. I’d go to UMass and take advantage of everything the university and your progam offers. Your post-graduation future will be much more dependent on what you accomplish at college rather than which college you ultimately attend.


Another option to consider is a modified version of option 1: do 1 yr at UMass, THEN decide if you’ll apply to transfer to NEU.

THEN apply to transfer. And if accepted then you’d enroll in spring sophomore year. Or spring of junior year. If you’re happy at UMass, stay. Otherwise at least you’ll have saved a lot of money starting out at UMass AND got to do some super cool research which will help with med school apps.


My parents are…adamant on NEU- of course, they want the best for me- and they don’t feel like UMass is where I should go. I spoke to them this morning, and tried to point out what you guys have been saying, (I promise I’m listening)- but they think a gap year would help me more than UMass. Ultimately, I just want to make the right decision for myself and for my future without upsetting anyone. I’m sorry if it looks like I’m not taking y’alls advice- I promise I am. It’s just a lot. /sighing, frustrated (at myself), honest

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Whoa. There is so much to unpack with this latest information. No wonder you are having a difficult time getting your head around your options! /hugs

I somehow missed that your condition has caused both hearing and vision challenges. I can understand how that may weigh heavily in your parents’ wish for you to attend college nearby. And no judgement on allowing you to apply to schools farther away… I can also understand allowing my kid to consider spreading their wings even if I strongly suspected “going away” ultimately may not end up being possible at this time. /said with empathy

So… just some thoughts on your options. While I’m yet another UMass-all-the-way vote, I’m going to set that aside for now and muse on your other options. /but Go Minutemen and Minutewomen!!!

  • UMass 1 year then transfer to NEU - I don’t like the idea of attending a school with the idea of transferring. If you end up loving it, will your parents allow you to stay all 4 years? If they will entertain that option and you feel you can give it a real chance by showing them the love they have shown you, this is something to seriously consider. And I hope you fall in love with UMass and stay. If no-way no-how will you stay past that year, sadly I lean toward not going to UMass as it is hard to get involved when you have one foot out the door. Maybe look into a local CC and knock out some gen eds (if NEU terms will allow; get their conditions in writing) or the gap option. /fingers crossed for falling in love with UMass

  • Gap year & applying again - You have some good ideas for your gap year. How will you feel about your peers moving on to college experiences without you? I would be very careful about taking any college classes if you plan to apply next cycle. Most will classify you as a transfer student if you have taken more than a few credits of college courses after high school graduation. This would affect your admissions and financial aid (merit) chances if you end up classified as a transfer instead of a frosh. Again, get NEU’s gap year conditions in writing so you know exactly what they will allow during a gap year. You don’t want to lose that guarantee for Fall 2024. I’m unclear if they expect you to join as a sophomore or a freshman after your gap… typical gap years do not allow taking college courses so kids enter as frosh a year late. /lots to think about

  • More on applying to other colleges - If you follow through with this, be very thoughtful about your applications and select schools that fit your academic and social needs. I won’t belabor the point but do consider schools where you will thrive and not based on prestige. Also consider if your application has changed enough since last fall to expect different results. /said with kindness and concern

Ultimately it is your decision. We don’t have to understand your and your family’s reasoning. We are all rooting for you and want you to end up where you will be happiest. /more hugs

Meaningless note: NEU does not have the prestige in my region it apparently does around Boston. It is viewed as a very good/solid school with an established co-op (and pre-meds don’t need co-ops). A much more popular Drexel. Rightly or wrongly, its popularity and low admit rate have not rebranded it everywhere yet.


Just make sure you send in the deposit in time, and then start at Umass this fall. Surely you have access to the $200 deposit amount. Your parents’ refusal to accept the fact that you didnt get into a prestigious private school is no reason for you to delay starting college. There is absolutely no benefit for you in taking a gap year. You could play the injured party with them. “I worked very hard in school, and despite my physical handicaps, i got accepted into a great program at our excellent flagship u. When you keep the focus on the schools I didnt get into, you make me feel as if I am not good enough.” That oughta make them come around.


I’m pretty sure that you can’t take college classes during a gap year as you’d be looked at as a transfer student instead of a freshman. I’m sure someone will chime in if that’s true.


It’s possible that they are still dwelling in the mindset of your original list, in which you listed (if I’m counting correctly) 4 safeties, 3 targets, 6 reaches, 7 high reaches, and furthermore, placed UMass first among the 4 safeties (presumably, safest safety)? I understand why it might be difficult for parents to let go of a “reach” admission in this context. It was also not so easy for my husband and I, as parents, when our child deliberately chose his safety school over a lot of targets and reaches. I do think that part of this difficulty on our part was how the school was characterized on the original list as a “safety.”

In this case however, UMass is not only a great school itself with much to offer (as posters here have emphasized), but HONORS and especially BIOTAP (I think I read that this is only 48 students according to their web site?!?) is highly selective and a wonderful achievement that is really something to be celebrated. It is not only a great opportunity that truly fits your needs, but should also be considered to elevate this admission FAR beyond the “safety” category. It is something that any parent can be proud and excited about.

I truly hope that you can get this worked out and move forward with the support and celebration you deserve for this wonderful option.


If he does a true gap year, he will not be able to attend NE next fall. Their offer, if it is ever made, would be admittance as a sophomore in Boston.


Thanks. Somehow I missed that (which is why I questioned it in my post), but now that I’m catching up on other’s posts it seems everyone else got it! lol :woman_facepalming:

Do you feel comfortable sharing why they feel UMass is not a good fit? /cautious about being intrusive

You don’t need to worry about upsetting anyone here. We don’t know you…you could close your account right now and it would be none of our business what you decide to do. Everyone is just offering advice based on their own knowledge, perceptions, and personal experiences.

What concerns me is that the communication from NE stated If you did xyz, they COULD CONSIDER making an exemption. That is so far from a done deal, and I think you and your parents need to be crystal clear on that.

Perhaps I am cynical, but I am reading that as they are hoping you move on, and if you don’t, they are still leaving themselves an out.

Please do not read too much hope into this. If they really wanted to get you to Boston, they would be far more definitive. Your parents may be adamant about Northeastern, but they have no control over this except possibly making you abandon the opportunity you have now and out yourself in an even worse position.

They think it it would help you more with what ?

Maybe you should set up a zoom with a med school counselor who can explain to you and your folks what matters - if one were willing to do so.

What will happen in a year from now ? Are you adding Suffolk or Simmons or Endicott onto your list so you have area options ?

Your parents had you applying to Harvard and Tufts and BC but you are in pre calc in 12th grade.

They are completely blind to the reality of your specific situation. Umass Honors is frankly an unexpected gift.

Sorry to say it like that but it’s the truth.

I’m sad for the situation your family has put you. in.


They’ve put me in no situation at all, this is a stressful process for us as a whole, and they’re expressing their opinion, as am I. /honest, softly, sighing

I’m fortunate to have the options I have, it’s just a lot. Might help if I step away from CC for a few days, as well, so I can really mull it over. /softly

I seriously do appreciate the advice everyone is giving here, I truly do. I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t mean it. /softly, honest

I need to finish my paper, before the deadline, so I’m going to log off for a bit. Keep sharing advice and stories- I’ll check back when I’m ready. /warmly

I’m just catching up on the thread, and I don’t have much time to post, so I may end up coming back later. So much has been going on! But my first thoughts:

  1. It’s terrible to go into a school with the idea that you’re going to transfer after one year (others have detailed why). But, option 1 allows you to talk to your family about all the wonderful experiences you’re having, great friends you’re making, and get them on board with you staying for 4 years. (I agree with the poster that you should get your parents on board for you to start at UMass with the option to consider transferring if you’re not happy, but no need to transfer if things are going well.)

  2. It sounds like NEU is a sophomore transfer option, which would require you to miss out on any of the advantages of a “gap” year with consideration for scholarships, special programs, etc, at any other universities you’d apply to. So your options are really three: 1) Go to UMass, 2) Take sufficient # of classes somewhere to get sophomore status at NEU, starting with a cohort that’s already had one year to form social bonds, or 3) take a gap year with no guarantees to anywhere and start afresh.

  1. If your family wanted the gap year to start afresh, it sounds as though Tufts, BU, NEU, BC, would all be on the list, and unlikely to come through with an acceptance after their decision this past year. You would need to add other schools: Suffolk, UM-Boston, Brandeis, Emmanuel, maybe Simmons (which I believe would be open to you), etc. Maybe, add Clark and College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, or UMass-Lowell, or Endicott. And none of these other schools are guaranteed or are as likely to provide the opportunities for you that UMass-Amherst will. Talk to your family about which UMass-Amherst versus these other schools. Because they seem to be thinking your reaches/high reaches as likely alternatives, when they will be extremely unlikely. The other schools I’ve provided are likelier options for acceptances, but your family may feel differently about your state flagship when looking at these other options.


/Earnest, rushed, and if anything I said came out as really insulting, it wasn’t intended that way

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