Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

So… my grade is a B- for precalc… botched the exam… (50% and yes I studied hard) cough I freaked out and thought they would rescind but the terms say only if it’s lower than a C would they rescind… so I’m safe by the skin of my teeth. Everything else is in the A range… so I should be good, right? /please excuse me I’ve been panicking

Sounds like you clearly met the requirements …congrats!


even if the exam grade shows up on the transcript, since the final grade is a B- (80), they won’t rescind, right…? /wanting to make sure

I assume it is the final grade…and some HS transcripts only show final grades.

yeah, the B- is the Q4 grade, and I calculated- my final grade in the “final grade” box would be a B. -but my HS does show exam grades on transcripts… so i don’t know if that would warrant anything. /sighing

You wrote the grade would need to be “lower than a C” to have an issue…and you seem to be well above that. In general as long as you steer clear of D’s and F’s you are good.

What was your grade on the final?


…a 50%… cough so i’m panicking? /sheepish

I don’t even know what they’d think given the B, but still… I worked hard to study for the final, but it just… I don’t know what happened. /sighing

also today was the last day of school so there’s no saving it… /groaning

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Oh…I think it will be ok but only admissions can say for sure.

Assuming you are fine (and I think you will be OK) it is important that you learn tools to help you not panic on big exams.

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so… they could possibly rescind…? /unsure

I have As in everything else so this isn’t even slacking off it’s just… I don’t know, for lack of a better word, brain cannot math. /sighing

I don’t expect so but I have no particular insight into NEU.


Why would they rescind if you met the terms?

Most important is that you understand the material. College will be much harder abs you should perhaps retake the class, even if it wouldn’t count toward your degree.

i don’t know, I guess the exam grade threw me for a loop since I’ve been doing so well otherwise… /sighing

i’m just nervous since my school does report exam grades but the NEU terms say

All students, without exception, must successfully complete their current academic program in good standing, including, but not limited to, with no grade below a C (or equivalent) in any course or on any national exam, and submit all final transcripts and exam scores. Any course changes in a student’s academic program must be approved in writing by the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Additionally, any disciplinary or conduct issues that occur between application and matriculation (e.g. at Northeastern’s New Student Orientation programs, during Move-In, or prior to the official start of the semester) must be fully disclosed and will be reviewed by Northeastern for impact, if any, on Northeastern’s admissions decision. Failure to meet these requirements and/or engaging in conduct that is inconsistent with Northeastern’s mission or its expectations of admitted students may cause the Admissions Committee to revisit your admission decision.

it doesn’t say anything about exam grades specifically but i’m nervous they might be like “oh that’s weird they’ve got all As and then this B-, and the exam grade isn’t too good” /sighing

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I think you’re worrying yourself over nothing. Your calculus final is not a national exam. And you do not have a final grade below a C (i.e. a D or F)…you have a B-, which is above a C. So, enjoy graduation (summa cum laude!) and wear your NEU swag while boning up on your math and test taking skills over the summer.



thank you- thank y’all, really- I was freaking myself out and felt horrible, but it’s good to know that they won’t rescind. I’ll keep y’all posted on the new thread. <33 /warmly, relieved, appreciative

also yes i’m not being dramatic i just wanted to figure out if there was cause for concern /adding on

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The concern (to me) is your knowledge or lack of of the material and that you’ll get in over your head at NEU.

Hopefully they don’t just place you but do a placement exam.

Better to take a remedial class than to struggle.

College will go much faster paced than HS.

So you’ll want to ensure you’re ready.


I’ll speak to my academic advisor and make sure they know I’m weak in math- so we can try to get a placement exam to see what kind of class would be alright for me to take my first year. /thoughtful

I don’t mean to get in over my head, math just happens to be frustratingly challenging for me- and the foundational gaps I had in grade school don’t help. /sighing, honest


You’ve got this!

I agree it sounds like only your end of semester/year grade for the class will matter in terms of meeting NEU’s expectations. So you should be good, but contact your AO if you are unsure and need some reassurance.

Also, I applaud you for having the confidence to ask for advice and support from the NEU academic advisors to make sure you are placed appropriately to master the foundational concepts in math or any subject. It is a marathon not a sprint. :slight_smile:


You will not be rescinded for this. NEU has made a commitment, knowing all the facts of your academic record, and they’re not gonna go back on that. You should call their advising or admissions office (you certainly have their number and email) and explain the situation, and your plan for remedying your deficiency in math.

More importantly, you have a real problem with math. You failed the final with a 50% in precalc, at the end of 12th grade. That clearly shows that you have not mastered the material. You will not be able to move on successfully to calculus. You also need some calc for college physics, which you definitely need for med school apps, plus many schools want to see 1 or 2 semesters of calc, maybe stat too.

My advice to you earlier on was that you take prep classes this summer for math and science - calc and chem, but now that it’s clear that you have not mastered precalc, you need to take a real class, with a real, in-person teacher, with good reviews, to re-do precalc. If it’s a half the summer class, and you can then do the same for calc in the second part of the summer, you should. If you can also simultaneously take college intro chem, you should, because I’m very worried that you’re gonna crash and burn academically at NEU in hard sciences and calc.

There are many things that people can do in life. Most people who start out as premeds don’t wind up going to med school. You could become a genetics counselor, an OT or PT, or other ancillary med person, and still have a fulfilling life in medicine helping people with managing genetic conditions. You don’t have to try for med school. But if you want to, no amount of manipulation is going to get you in. You need to master math and science, and you’ll have a much better chance of doing so if you take them this summer, as a prep for those classes at NEU in the fall.

Cheapest way to do it will likely be at a local community college, but the level at which they’ll be taught may be too low to adequately prep you to re-take them successfully at NEU. Better would be at a 4 yr public college near you - will probably be at a lower level than NEU, but much closer, so better prep than a community college class.

This may not leave you much time this summer to ride, or hang with your cousins and friends, or even to do lab research. And if that’s the case, that these things are more important to you than spending your summer killing yourself academically to try to prep to succeed in math and science so that you can have a shot at getting into med school, that is FINE. It’s better to realize that now, than after the fact. But if you want med school, you’re going to need to shoot for A’s in math, science, and everything else. You have a problem with math, which is going to be required, and you have only got this summer to solve it before you enter NEU in the fall, and start on hard sciences and math.

Take a look at the summer offerings at the state colleges you can get to easily - UMass Boston, maybe Bridgewater, Framingham. And please, if your parent scoffs at you doing classes there at 1/4th the cost of, say, Harvard’s gen summer dep’t, remind him that no one will care where you did duplicate prep (at a lowly state school, or at Harvard’s wide open summer classes), if you wind up not being able to get into med school because you couldn’t achieve in math and science at NEU.


That’s really good advice- and I appreciate it. I think I’d rather focus on getting my academics straight while getting some riding in- so I’ll be planning to do that over this summer. My mind is set on medical school- and the grades I need have to be As- so I’m gonna work my butt off for math and look into options where I can make sure I can succeed in math. /warmly, appreciative

Edit: Spoke to my folks about it and we’ll try to come up with a plan of making sure I do prep classes over the summer- I’ll keep y’all posted in the new thread. /warmly


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