<p>Hello everyone. These are the schools that I am applying to right now, not including the safeties. </p>
<p>Cornell ED (College of Arts and Sciences)
NYU Stern ED II (if rejected by Cornell ED)</p>
<p>Rest RD
University of Rochester
Emory University
Georgia Tech
UPenn (insane reach I know)
Carnegie Mellon
Johns Hopkins
Undecided as major for all</p>
<p>Asian Male I go to a suburban public school.
GPA Weighted: 4.1 Top 10% of my class Not sure about unweighted, but I got a B+ in 9th grade English, A- in 9th grade science and 10th grade English. The rest are all A's.
Should be about 3.8 3.9 UW.</p>
10th: Honors Spanish III
Honors Modern World History</p>
APUSH- 5 on exam
AP Computer Science A -4 on exam
Spanish IV Honors
Physics Honors, Chemistry Honors</p>
<p>12th (this upcoming 2012-13 year):
AP Calc AB
AP Physics C Newtonian Mechanics
AP Physics C E/M
AP Spanish
AP Comparative Government
Honors English 12</p>
<p>My grades and course rigor show clearly an upward trend, with all As in junior year, and many APs senior year.</p>
<p>BIG WEAKNESS-I was in regular not honors English until this year. as I got an A- in English 10th grade and my won't let me take honors for 11th, even though I believe I would've done just fine. Most people at my school applying to these universities have taken at least honors in all academic subjects by 11th grade.</p>
730 Math 740 CR 700 WR
Superscore 2190
800 US History
780 Physics
800 Math II</p>
World Affairs Club since 10th grade (We gather to debate current events, and we organize Model UN and Model Congress every year), Physics Club, Scholar's Bowl
Worked at Genuardi's since summer after sophomore year.
Spanish National Honor Society</p>
Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology
Business Student of the Month</p>
<p>(Oh and btw, if this thread looks familiar, it's because a few weeks back, I posted a chance me of UPenn when I thought I'd apply UPenn ED. I changed my mind and chose Cornell, and added in my other schools in my list as well to this thread. And my SAT subject test scores from my last thread were lower in that thread because I hadn't taken the Math 2 and physics test yet and they were just predictions back then.)</p>