Chance me for top competitive schools (harvard, princeton, stanford, cornell, duke)

<p>schools I'm applying to:</p>

Michigan-Ann Arbor

<p>UW GPA: 4.0/4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.26/5.0
Rank: 14/545
Classes: 9 IB (I am an IB diploma candidate) and 4 AP
AP Tests: 5 on Calc BC, Calc AB, Bio, U.S. History, and World History; 3 on English Lit; planning Physics B, Psychology, and Art History
IB Tests: 6 on Bio
SAT I: 640 Reading, 800 Math, 700 Writing
ACT: 35 Composite, 33 English, 35 Math, 36 Reading, 34 Science
SAT II: 790 Bio, 770 Math II, 710 U.S. History
Live in Atlanta, Georgia; my high school is ranked pretty good</p>

<p>ECs: </p>

<p>HOSA: Medical organization; vice-president 11th and 12th grade; treasurer 10th grade; chairman of competition committee 12th grade; chairman of treasury committee 10th grade; organized and ran last 5 blood drives; organized and ran a Red Ribbon Week project; organization held many service projects for Alzheimer's disease and autism</p>

<p>NHS: Secretary; tutored students in math and science; volunteered at a haunted house</p>

<p>Tennis: 15-20 hrs a week for the last 6 years; played in many state and southeastern u.s. tournaments; played in USTA, ALTA, and T2Tennis; played 3-singles on JV team in 10th grade for school; won and made it to many championships in tournaments; practice almost every day</p>

<p>Tools for Schools: I began this service project to collect school supplies to send to schools in Africa; it was a 5 week project</p>

<p>Math Team/Mu Alpha Theta: Went to competitions, tournaments, and practiced weekly; did GA math leagues and AMC 10</p>

<p>NTHS: organized and ran toy drive for my class; member of healthcare department</p>

<p>Spanish NHS: tutor kids weekly in Spanish</p>

<p>IB Mentoring: chose to assist and guide an 11th grade IB student through his 1st year of IB; gave study tips</p>

<p>Track and Field: was on school team 11th grade year; ran 100 m, 200 m, and 4x100 m</p>

<p>Taekwondo: 4 years from 6th-10th grade; got red belt</p>

<p>Other Clubs:
Model UN
Beta Club
Science Bowl
Academic Team
Chess Club/Gamers Club
Student Council
Indian Cultural Exchange
Habitat for Humanity</p>

<p>Volunteer Work: donated food and supplies to orphanage in Africa and worked there; tutored kids in school; coached kids in tennis; Tools for Schools project</p>

<p>Special Conferences attended: </p>

<p>NSLC: 5-day conference at Emory with 40 other honors kids around the southeastern U.S.; initiated Teens Needing Teens Service project to help children with special needs and arrange events for them; set up a ropes course for others; learned many skills such as team building, conflict resolution, public speaking, time management, and goal setting</p>

<p>HOSA Leadership Conferences: went to compete in events and also learn about how to improve my chapter and build character</p>

<p>Awards: Academic Letter; National Merit Scholarship Commended Scholar; AP Scholar with Distinction; CPR and First Aid Certified: Nominated Outstanding Senior Student at my school (based on character and merit); state math competition champion 9th-11th grade (1st place all 3 years); national math competition champion 9-11th grade (4th place in 9th grade, 1st place in 10th grade, and 7th place in 11th grade in a different topic) </p>

<p>never had a job</p>

<p>teacher recs: okay
counselor rec: okay
essay: mediocre</p>

<p>gender: male
ethnicity: asian</p>

<p>Harvard - High Reach, For Anyone except high profile people, 10-20%
Princeton - again High Reach, same reason, 10-20%
Stanford - again High Reach, same reason, 10-20%
Cornell - low reach, 30-40%
Duke - low reach/high match, 45-50%
USC, match - 75%
UCLA - match 65%
Cal-Berkeley match 60%
Georgetown high match/low reach 50%
Michigan-Ann Arbor match 70%
Northwestern match/high match 60%
Vanderbilt match/low-reach match 75%
Pittsburgh- in
Wisconsin - in
Illinois in
UGA in
Tulane in</p>

<p>personal opinion: good academic record, EC’s WAY to broad, and leadership is sparce im some area, and no job… but overall good stuff</p>

<p>hell who am i kidding, your a great student :)</p>

<p>what do you mean by EC’s too broad?</p>

<p>bump </p>

<p>anyone else?</p>


<p>Harvard - High Reach
Princeton - High Reach
Stanford - High Reach
Cornell - Low reach
Duke - Reach
USC - match
UCLA - low reach, OOS
Cal-Berkeley - reach, you’re OOS
Georgetown - high match
Michigan: Ann Arbor - high match OOS
Northwestern - high match
Vanderbilt - high match
Pittsburgh - in
Wisconsin - in
Illinois - in
UGA - in
Tulane - in</p>

<p>Regarding Broad EC’s: it means that your extracurriculars span a wide range of topics, subjects, and spectrums. Basically, you lack focus, which is very very bad, and very very typical of Asian applicants. Don’t worry, I’m in the same boat, and that might be why I got denied to Cornell ED. Try to find those EC’s which support your major, and DON’T go undecided. I learned my lesson with that as well.</p>

<p>Chance me in return?
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