Chance me for top CS schools!

Here’s my second review, Yale:

Yale is another world renowned institution that is situated in New Haven, Connecticut. When I first got to Yale, I was deeply enamored by the Gothic style of architecture all of the buildings seemed to bear. While appearance of a campus shouldn’t really be a deciding factor, I honestly believe that Yale has one of the most beautiful campuses out there and was truly something that drew me to the campus.

Besides the breathtaking campus, the people you meet on campus are truly exceptional. On the day that I visited, I had the honor to speak with a few students from the engineering school. Despite the fact that Yale isn’t well known for their engineering program, these students were some of the brightest engineering minds I’ve ever met. I could truly envision myself working alongside these people and would be happy to call them my peers. Furthermore, the professors and faculty are some of the best in their respective fields. I was sure that taking classes at Yale would satisfy my insatiable hunger for more and more knowledge.

With such a large endowment, Yale also has the freedom to maintain high quality research facilities. From the latest particle generators to million dollar pippet filling machines, Yale is one of very few schools that can provide students and staff the necessary tools required to make revolutionary discoveries. If you are fortunate enough to attend Yale, just know that you can research whatever you want without having to worry too much budget.

Now let’s move onto residential life. The residential college system implemented by Yale is one of a kind. All of the students are sorted in a Harry Potter type of way into their own residential colleges, in which they will spend a majority of their undergrad experience. Unlike many other colleges, these types of dorms allow for more camaraderie. From spending time with the residential professor to eating in the butteries, the friends you make will for sure last a life time.

Great faculty and students
Super awesome housing system
Top notch support
Prestige (if that’s what you are looking for)
Way easier to get jobs with a Yale degree
Inflated grades

The city is a little sketch (some crime rate)
Some people can come off as snobbish and entitled
Sports teams aren’t really good
Part of the college admissions scandal

Hey, I’m just a rando that’s been stalking your thread, but I just wanna say I’ve been following your college journey and I’m really impressed and happy for you! You totally deserve it all :slight_smile: and you’ve also provided some helpful tips along the way. So yeah. :v:

@LilacSoul Thanks!

Hello! I love this thread and I was just wondering why didn’t you choose MIT? Will you be doing a review for it as you did for Harvard and Yale?


Yes, I just moved into Stanford and I am still getting my stuff settled in. I will be finishing reviews for all of the ivies, T20s, and major public schools. I didnt choose MIT due to a couple reasons: inferiority complex, general vibe around campus, and research openings for my field of interest.

@GoBears2023 good luck at Stanford. And given your personality and willingness to help others, you would have been a good fit at MIT.

Don’t underestimate yourself and so-called ‘imposter syndrome’ does not apply to you. Your achievements stand on their own. And perhaps you will get your PhD from MIT. Or Berkeley…

Thanks for the kind words! I’m looking into MIT / UCB for graduate school. We’ll see :slight_smile:

Stanford must be boring.

Hey there! I’m applying to a few summer programs and was wondering if you could review my essays/application. Is there a way I can contact you?

Any word on the MIT review? I’m interested to hear why you didn’t like the vibe. Also are you planning to do a coterm masters? I heard it’s what many do at stanford.


Yes, I will be hashing out a bunch of reviews during Winter Break once I get back from a roadtrip across the US! I haven’t decided on coterming yet :stuck_out_tongue:

I guess now is a good time to send an update for everyone on what’s been going on:

  • Will be interning at Salesforce this summer :D
  • Thinking about making a college consulting firm for free (like no tuition or pay, just pure help)
  • Doing some research in the Stanford dSchool / CS School
  • Donated 10 liters of blood to Red Cross (hoping to give more in the future)
  • Joined a fraternity!

This must be over at least three years, since you can only donate 0.5 liter every 8 weeks, right?

@ucbalumnus Yes! I just hit my goal of 10 this semester! Super proud :slight_smile:

Hi, also stalking. Congrats! It was great following your journey. I’m a junior applying to colleges next year, so seeing what happened to you was really cool and I got to live vicariously for a while.

@GoBears2023 I’m also planning to do a CS internship next year. Would you mind sending me the names of the two Stanford professors that replied to you?

How are you liking stanford? I am now choosing between MIT and Stanford.

Stanford is really fun! Im having a blast and really love the startup culture. The people are amazing and the opportunities are plentiful. That being said, MIT is also a really cool school. If you are more in to research, I would recommend MIT. If you like startups, come join me at Stanford :slight_smile:

I saw that you were able to get a research opportunity as a frosh. What was the process for applying for that? Is there a system like UROP to find research opportunities?


I got my research through the connections I made in high school. I haven’t looked into it, but i’m sure theres some system to help find opportunities.

@GoBears2023: Try to extend the frontiers of ms&e, math, and statistics in addition to the one @ Gates Building.

Good luck to you @ the Farm!