Chance me for Transfer Admission?

<p>My high school record is absolutely terrible. My sophomore and junior years are full of dropped and retaken classes. However during my senior year I took all AP classes both semesters and both semesters I received a 4.0. Which brought my high school gpa to a cumulative 3.1 weighted and 3.05 unweighted. I have volunteered at Youth Court for five hours a week since 2007, won multiple awards a year in state-wide piano competitions since 2002, and won about 4 debate trophies in state and national tournaments in two years. I scored a 28 on my ACT with writing and did terribly on my SAT. I am also fluent in Chinese in French but I don't think that makes a big difference in admission.</p>

<p>Right now I am a freshman in college and I am expecting to get good marks for both semesters and I am studying abroad in China for second semester.</p>

<p>I already applied once to Lewis and Clark with only my high school record and got rejected. I want to know if a good college record could possibly raise my chances for admission.</p>

<p>Please and thank you, sorry this is so wordy.</p>

<p>To be more specific: 2 dropped classes and 1 retaken class.</p>

<p>You can see from the Transfer portion of the Common Data Set <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt; that they still want to see your HS transcript and they recommend an interview. Make sure the interview happens. Since your 4.0 in your senior year brought your GPA up to a 3.05 you must have had a sub 3.0 at application time which put you in the bottom 2% of accepted students. If you do well in your current college and write a good essay you should have a good shot at getting in based on your most recent work. Can you afford it?</p>

<p>I’m actually on a lot of government aid right now. I’ve been operating under the assumption that tuition will cost roughly 40,000. For the time being my mother told me not to worry about that until I get accepted… If I get accepted that is.</p>

<p>L&C is about $40K for tuition and the fees. Room and Board adds another $9K. What do you mean by “I’m actually on a lot of government aid right now”? Try using the Net Price Calculator on their web site: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;