Chance me for U Mass Amherst and U Del Nursing?

<p>GPA 3.86
Rank 38 out of 337
SAT 1900
Classes-All honors and some APs (Calc AB, Pysch, Bio)
Indoor track freshman to senior year (made varsity as a sophomore)
Outdoor Track freshman to senior year (made varsity as a freshman)
A couple of school clubs
300+ Hospital volunteer hours (on going)
Other volunteer services (camp counselor etc)
Attended mini medical school seminars over the summer
Two jobs (one hostess/sometimes waitress/bus girl at a restaurant and weekend secretary at a real estate office)</p>

<p>If you are an OOS applicant for both schools IMHO you are at the very least competitive for admission to both schools, maybe even a little better for UMass. If you are an in-state applicant for either school IMHO you should have little problem being accepted. Competition for admission to Nursing at major national research universities almost verges on insanity due to the small class sizes and the increasing interest of individuals in pursuing a career in Nursing, especially in the area of individuals who are planning on pursuing Advanced Practice degrees in Nursing following the completion of an undergraduate degree. You really can’t go wrong attending either school as long as you apply yourself. Best of luck.</p>

<p>I was accepted to udel nursing and deferred from umass amherst nursing
My personal stats are:
3.45 GPA
26 ACT
Attend a small, top private school in Boston, MA
have done lots of community service, yearbook club, MUN, attended a summer medical program at northwestern
I did visit both campuses but i had an alumni interview with udel</p>

<p>I feel my reason for deferral at UMass was because the fact I attend a private school in Boston. UMass was build to take the MA public school students, and that is not me.</p>