Chance Me for U of U!!! Class of 2021 IB Student

Hi! I am a rising HS senior in the class of 2021. White female from large middle class family in Denver CO. I would love some info about my chances for Utah, merit scholarships, etc.

Utah is one of my dream schools and I plan to go for Medical Laboratory Science through their Medical school. I am in the IB Diploma program (more below).

GPA (unweighted): 4.0
GPA (weighted): 4.85
PSAT: 1480
No SAT bc of Covid-19
ACT composite: 35
ACT Writing/Grammar: 35
ACT Math: 33
ACT Reading: 35
ACT Science: 35
No ACT Essay
Class Rank: Top 1% out of 300+ students

AP HuG: 5/5
AP European History: 5/5

IB Psych SL: 5/7
IB Spanish SL: 6/7
Will test IB Math AI SL, History HL, English Lang A HL, and Chem HL next may.

I have been in all honors classes through all of highschool and have had straight A’s since 7th grade (5 yrs).

Honor roll - 3 yrs
Academic Awards in Spanish, Science, and AP Euro
National Honor Society
State and Regional Competitive Gymnast (through 2017) inc. 5+ State Championship wins
Varsity Diving Letter x2
Member of my schools Wind Ensemble (Highest audition based band group)
Top 1% of class for 3 yrs

600+ volunteer hours
Hospital ambassador at RMHC pediatrics
Work in PICU, Peds, and Oncology wards
Volunteer at church with kids programming
Help run teen programming and plan events
Volunteer gymnastics coach (9th grade)
Created non-profit dog treat business (as part of IB CAS) to donate $ to needy shelters in the area

Work Experience:
Gymnastics Team Coach - Ages 5-14 (2018-Present)
Babysitting All Ages(2015-Present)
Market and run a non-profit

I would love to hear my chances of admission, as well as, merit scholarship opportunities bc paying for college is a big worry of mine.

Thanks so much!!!

I’m sure with your stats you’ll be admitted. I’m not an expert on how they decide on scholarships but you can see what they offer here:

4.0UW/35 ACT has been sufficient for the 4 year OOS full tuition Academic Excellence scholarship in recent years (however you still pay course fees which can be a couple of thousand dollars per year, so total cost of attendance is $15K-$20K per year). Note that 4.0 makes a big difference to eligibility compared to 3.99. There’s another $500 on top for NMSF. The Presidential scholarship is mostly for instate, I think OOS needs a 36 ACT.

Your scores would also be in the range to be competitive for the full ride Eccles scholarship, but that is interview based (not automatic on stats like the merit above) and looks to other things including ECs and a mix of majors. There are 30 scholarships per year, usually about 30-40% of those go to OOS students.

So what happens if you lose 4.0 last semester of HS and drop to 3.97? Would they rescind if the full ride was given? Just asking…maybe you don’t dent def know.