Chance me for UC Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, Duke, Cornell, Wellesley, and Cooper Union!

<p>Hi, I've applied to UC Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, Duke, Cornell, Wellesley, and Cooper Union!!</p>

<p>Cooper Union is my ED School XD</p>

<p>For all the schools I've applied to Civil Engineering, but for Wellesley, a liberal arts school, I applied for computer science.</p>

<p>So here are my stats:
Chinese American, Female, living in Danville CA (Bay Area)</p>

<p>4th-8th grade in China, thus had to learn Chinese from scratch, and in the process forgot my English, thus had to re-learn English freshman year</p>

<p>GPA unweighted 3.79, weighted 4.15</p>

<p>SAT I (SuperScore):
Math: 800
Writing: 800
Critical reading: 720</p>

<p>SAT II Math Level 2: 800
SAT II Chemistry: 790
SAT Chinese with Listening: 800</p>

<p>AP Chemistry, AP English Language and Composition, AP Music Theory, AP Chinese: 5
AP U.S. History: 4
AP Scholar with distinction</p>

<p>AP Honors this year: Honors Physics (school has no AP), AP Calc AB, AP Environmental Science, AP Art 2-D Design</p>

Piano for 12 years, art for 13. Various awards.
California All-State Honor Band pianist, 2010
California All-State Honor Orchestra pianist, 2011
Certificate of Merit Level 10, 2009
Contra Costa County Sonata Competition Level 10 2nd Place
Contra Costa County Sonata Competition Level 10 B 1st Place</p>

<p>Internship at a pseudo dynamics lab at the Institute of Engineering Mechanics, China Earthquake Administration.
Science Alliance (mentorship for 5th grade students participating in science fair) for the past 3 years</p>

<p>I'll chance back!!!</p>


<p>I think you will get into UC Berkeley, Wellesley, Duke, and Cornell, and Cooper Union</p>

<p>MIT and Stanford are reach, same as for every else applying here (apart from IMO/IPhO medalists or the like). Your ECs, test scores are pretty good. Your ECs/awards are pretty focused on music, that might be a good or bad thing. GPA is a bit low for these schools, but your essays can make up for it, if you described your situation being in China for 5 years.</p>

<p>Overall it looks pretty solid.</p>

<p>bumping this up for more feedback…</p>


<p>Standford and MIT will be your slight reaches.</p>

<p>Like alias said, I think that with a strong statement of your experience in China you can avoid any issues caused by your slightly low gpa.</p>

<p>That internship should look great for any engineering application if you were given a decent letter.</p>

<p>Overall I think you will be very happy with your acceptances.</p>

<p>Thanks alias and thethane for your feedback!</p>

<p>So for my essays, yes I talked a lot about my Chinese experience as well as my internship.
The professor/ director gave me an amazing rec letter.
I also got excellent recs from my counselor, AP Lang teacher, AP 2D Design teacher, AP Chem teacher, and piano teacher. it should help a bit right?</p>

Stanford-low reach
Duke-low reach
Cornell-low reach
Cooper Union-match
UC Berkeley-match

<p>Overall, I’d say you are a solid applicant. Great shots at all these schools. Good luck! Chance me back please (:</p>

<p>Oops forgot to post link:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;


<p>Thanks cali4nia student :D</p>

<p>Like someone else said, MIT is a bit of reach, but definitely possible. Stanford is maybe like 50/50? All the other ones sound good though.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>You should also apply RD to Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (hopefully you still can). My son had similar stats (4.00 UW / 4.5 W GPA; slightly lower SAT) and applied to many of the top schools in California. He applied to and got into 5 of the top UC’s. Other schools of interest included Harvey Mudd.</p>

<p>Anyway, after all the tours and recruiting events, believe it or not Cal Poly ended up blowing us away with their programs and hands on learning philosophy. My kid is a mechanical engineering major. Cal Poly is awesome for civil engineering too. Believe it or not Cal Poly engineers garner the highest starting salaries of any CA public school. They even top UC Berkeley, UCLA and UCSD.</p>

<p>Anyway, it is something to think about. My kid is surrounded by other students that gave up spots at prestigious universities for Cal Poly. It is a very, very special place that is legendary in the engineering World. Cal Poly consistently blows away rivals in national engineering competitions. Here is just one example:</p>

<p>Cal Poly Engineering swept first-, second- and third-place awards in the undergraduate and graduate student design competition sponsored by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).</p>

<p>[Cal</a> Poly Engineering Sweeps AIAA Student Aircraft Design Competition](<a href=“Press Releases | University Communications and Marketing”>Press Releases | University Communications and Marketing)</p>

<p>Think about it. We never thought that our kid would end up at Cal Poly. Now, we could not imagine him attending any other school. He absolutely loves it.</p>

<p>I think you’re probably going to get into UC Berkeley, Duke, Wellesley, and Cooper Union.
Cornell is kinda weird and unpredictable but you’ll probably get in there too.</p>

<p>Stanford and MIT, you have a really good shot but you can’t say for certain with those schools.</p>

<p>Stanford, MIT: Reach for everyone
Duke, Cornell: Low Reach/High Match (unpredictable but you have a solid chance)
Wellesley, and Cooper Union, UC Berkeley: You should get in!</p>

<p>Your scores/GPA are definitely there for the top schools. From what I can see, I think your internship is definitely very unique, and if you presented it well in your essay, it should really add to your app. Honestly, I don’t think you’ll have any trouble getting into one of your top choices! Good luck and thanks for the chance :)</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback!</p>

<p>UC Berkely, Wellesley, and Cooper Union - most likely.
Duke and Cornell are also really good chances. Stanford and MIT are reaches, but it’s possible! Those two schools are reaches for practically everyone though.
You must be an amazing pianist! Good luck :slight_smile: I wish you the best!</p>

<p>I think you have a really good shot at all except Stanford and MIT, which are reaches for everyone. I’d expect you to get into most of the rest of your schools (although I wouldn’t be surprised with rejections from Duke or Cornell or something), but Stanford and MIT are going to be a bit less likely because–well, they’re Stanford and MIT.</p>

<p>Good luck though, and thanks for chancing!</p>

<p>Thanks everyone for the feedback!
@Osakadad: yes, I did apply for Cal poly :D</p>

<p>bump more feedback PLEASE!!!</p>

<p>I don’t know anything about Cornell, Wellesley, and Cooper Union, but I think you have a good shot at UC Berkeley, Stanford, MIT, and Duke.</p>

<p>thanks :smiley:
bump! bump bump bump… XD</p>

<p>Stanford, MIT: Reach for everyone
Duke, Cornell: Low Reach/High Match (unpredictable but you have a solid chance)
Wellesley, and Cooper Union, UC Berkeley: Match</p>

<p>You have a pretty strong application, good luck!</p>