Chance me for UC Irvine or San Diego! I will definitely chance back if asked.

<p>So white female, instate and will be applying to all UCs. My HS is around 125 or so in the State out of 1000 or so (so its not great but its not bad).</p>

weighted: 3.88
Unweighted: 3.55
UC gpa (10-11): 4.12
(* I fked up as a freshie)</p>

composite: 31
highest section scores
Reading: 34
Math: 31
Writing: 10</p>

<p>SAT IIs:
Chem: 760
World HIst: 760
US history: 800</p>

Euro: 4
USH: 5
Chem: 5</p>

<p>total of 8 or 9 aps (not sure about second semester senior year about micro or not).
Total of 18-19 semesters of honors/ap couses </p>

<p>Took japanese at community college but only 2 years D: classes were too full for me to sign up for more language. So the lang reqs at some colleges is too much for me ):</p>


-Captain of the Varsity Academic Decathlon team for 1 years. On team for 3 years. We went to Cali state last year!
-Captain of JV Academic Decathlon team for 1 years. Member for 2 years.</p>

-Varsity level lacrosse freshman year (not sure if I should milk this one or not because our lax team was only 3 years old and had no JV or frosh/soph so technically i was on varsity...but you get the picture)
-Frosh/Soph swim 1 year
-JV swim- 1 year </p>

-Treasurer of International Film Club
- Model UN - 2 years (founded junior year)
- Youth Action Team (4 years, community service club)
-JSA (senior year only)
- Volunteered at a UC over the summer at a sci department for 10 hrs per week
-did a summer med program at UC school which was WAY fun(me thinks this is one of those things that only shows you have $$$....)
-CSF (our schools only lame ass honor society)
-church volunteering
-around 60 hrs volunteer per year. Junior year +junior summer was more like 100hrs</p>

<p>UCI: High match
UCSD: Reach</p>

<p>Freshmen year doesn’t matter as much when applying to UCs so you have a pretty decent shot at both.</p>

<p>Edit: chance back plox</p>


<p>You’re almost definitely in at UCI. And I think that with your UC gpa, you also have a pretty good chance at UCSD, assuming that your UW 10-12 gpa isn’t that bad.</p>

<p>[“Chances</a> at UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC San Diego, and USC”](<a href=“]"Chances”></p>

<p>It has been really easy for me to confuse in-state and out-of-state when it comes to UCs.</p>

<p>UCI: Low match
UCSD: Match</p>

<p>Thanks all of you!</p>