Here’s what I applied to, in order of preference:
Davis- Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology
Santa Barbara- Zoology
Berkeley- Forestry and Natural Resources
Santa Cruz- Ecology and Evolution
San Diego- Ecology, Behavior, and Evolution
My GPA is 4.25 weighted, I had a composite ACT score of 29 (English 31, Mathematics 25, Reading 34, Science 24, Writing 33)
I have about 300 community service hours- I volunteered at the SF zoo for three years, created a food and supply drive for homeless teenagers, and did some odds-and-ends hours at different events
I’ve done track and field all four years (100 meter, 200 meter, 4X100, discus throws) and cross country for one
I also have taken AP World (3), AP US History (4), and AP English Language (4), and I’m currently taking AP Lit, AP Gov, and AP Environmental
I’m a white female from the SF Bay Area, if that matters. Thanks!
berkeley might be a bit of a reach school. UCSD is a possible and every other school, you should get accepted into!
UCB: Low Reach
UCSD: High Match
UCSC: Low Match
If you can get your ACT around 31+, UCB and UCSD are very possible.
thanks @armadaswim and @Gumbymom
For the sake of people looking at this in the future, I got into Santa Cruz, Santa Barbara, and Davis, was wait-listed at San Diego, and rejected from Berkeley
@cherry650 : Which do you think you will choose?
In looking at your potential areas of study it is not easy to surmise that you want to, or necessarily have, worked with animals, and yet it is easy to know that the quality of their lives and continued existence are important to you.
Davis is a choice destination for many young people who will transfer in to the UCs for study in the areas you are interested in, and you’ve listed it first.
Are you happy with your options? I think you’ve done well.
Have you visited UC San Diego’s campus? I found it radically different in its look and feel than the other campuses and their general areas. Will you accept a place there if they call you off of the waitlist?
Congratulations on your choices.
@Waiting2exhale Thanks! I’m very happy with my options right now
Right now it is really between Santa Cruz and Davis. I like Santa Cruz’s smaller size, research opportunities, and local area since it is very biodiverse and it looks like they have some fun classes out in the redwood forests and in Monterey Bay. Davis has more of an animal focus and is more prestigious, from what I’ve heard, but I’m going to visit both campuses and see what I think. I actually haven’t been to San Diego before. Since I’ve been wait-listed, I think it is off of my consideration list
I hope you are happy in all your endeavors, and I wish you great success. You are going to find yourself in the right place for sure.
Congrats with all your choices!
It depends what are you looking for but UCD is a great school and I know you will be happy spending your 4 years there. Also, you might still have a chance into UCSD so do not take it off. You probably may want to see UCSC since you may like the campus or the location. Good luck choosing a school.
Congratulations on your acceptances and nice to know my chance predictions were pretty accurate. For many applicants it has been a tough year, but you have some great choices. My older son is an Environmental Science major at UCD and loves his program. UCSC was one of his top 3 choices. Although he loved the UCSC campus, wasn’t real happy with the town. He likes the town of Davis much better, but again it really is a personal preference. Good Luck on your decision.