Chance me for UCs CS and Engineering!

SAT: 2120 (CR-660, M-800, W-660 Essay:10) CR+M (1460)
SAT II: 780 Math II, 720 Biology M

UC GPA (Capped at 8 Honors) - 4.0
9-11 UW- 3.68
9-11 W- 4.16
10-11 UW GPA- 3.69
10-11 W GPA (Uncapped)- 4.23


Freshman (8 A’s 4 B’s)
Sophomore (6 A’s 4 B’s 2 C’s)
Junior (13 A’s)

Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): Top 10% (Not sure exactly how I made it LOL, maybe course rigor?)

AP (12 AP’s total (rigorous)):
Chemistry (3)
European History (3)
Calc AB (4)
Physics 1 (3) (LOL)
Spanish Language and Culture (3)
US History (4)

Senior Year Courses:
AP Computer Science
AP Gov
AP Physics C
AP Psychology
AP Calculus BC
Advanced Composition

Major Awards: None are major, but OCMC 5th place (math competition for my county).

Summer@USC Summer Camp (Got an A in the Discover Engineering course!)
JHU CTY- Intro to Java Course
Intern at Social Security Office
Kaiser Hospice Office Intern
Mathnasium Tutor
CSF (3 Years)
Key Club (3 Years)
Spanish NHS
Taekwondo 3rd Degree Black Belt (13+ Years)
1st Place Cal State Open Taekwondo Tournament
Junior Leadership Team for Taekwondo
Taekwondo Instructor Experience (200 Hours)
Volunteer as Taekwondo Instructor (50 Hours)
Technology Director-Spanish Club
Love 2 Read (Library Reading Program)
Teen Advisory Board at Library
AP Scholar With Distinction
600+ Community service hours

UC Berkeley- (Industrial Engineering)
UCLA- (Materials Engineering)
UCSD- (Computer Engineering)
CP SLO- (Software Engineering)
UCI- (Computer Science)
UC Davis- (Computer Science)
UCSB- (Electrical Engineering)
UCR- (Computer Science)

You are a strong candidate for all of them.

Good luck

@NCalRent even UCLA and Berkeley?

You are a strong candidate for all the UCs, Even LA and B - Understand that strong candidate doesn’t equal admission. There are lots of well qualified applicants you are competing with and subjective elements will rule you in or out. I bet you get into 6 of the 8 schools you list above. Which 6 - I don’t know.