asian female
computer sci major
school: public high school
uc gpa:
3.75 uw gpa / 4.08 w gpa
3.78 reg gpa
rank: top 15%
act: 31
new sat (out of 1600): 1430
junior yr classes was very challenging (5 weighted classes):
ap chem
ap spanish 4
ap us history
hon english (weighted)
hon precalc
other aps ive taken: ap econ/gov, ap cs, apeuro, apcalc ab
ecs; senior center volunteer, 4 yr breast cancer awareness volunteer, member of deca 3 yrs, member of jsa 2 yrs and officer position, leo club member 2 yrs and officer position, award of recognition from the city mayor for serving the community, one of founders and editors/publicists of district newspaper for a club, food bank volunteer, tech museum volunteer
essays: all i can say is ive been told by several ppl that they are very strong and meaningful w/ a lot of depth
rec: two of my teachers are working on them currently
i would love to go to ucsb or ucsd and good luck to everyone applying. 
Race/Gender does not matter all that much but with your stats I assume you are not considering UCM or UCR so here is where you stand for the other UC’s
UCSC: 83%
UCI: 57%
UCD: 54%
UCSB: 50%
UCSD: 40%
UCLA: 14%
UCB: 12%
If I am you I only send in my new SAT score, not my ACT and I apply undecided can switch majors once i get in as UCSD Comp Sci school is very hard to get into.
Your act is a little bit on the lower end, but your new sat makes up for it. Your classes are all really good as well. I think you have a really good chance of getting into ucsb. The thing with ucsd is that they are a highly competitive comp sci school so it really depends on your classes-which are super good. The other thing is if you’re in state or out of state. Also, from my knowledge the uc schools don’t have affirmative action so your race won’t be taken into consideration. Overall I think you have a really good chance of getting into both. Goodluck! please chance me back
@paxer what? 31 ACT concords directly to 1430 new SAT.
"Your act is a little bit on the lower end, but your new sat makes up for it. " makes no sense.
Not really a 32 or 33 is around what a 1430 is. Getting a 1430 is like getting 90 percent of the questions correct 32 is like getting 88 percent correct, 33 is like getting 91 percent correct so a 1430 is somewhere in-between a 32 and 33.
It doesn’t matter how many questions you get correct, percentiles matter.
1430/31 ACT are both 97th percentile and what you would expect on the other test given the first score.
yep, vickisocal is correct.
of questions correct means jack ■■■ in determining which is better. that's comparing apples and oranges. percentile matters.
31 = 1430 right from collegeboard’s concordance table.