Chance me for UCs please!

My GPA is kind of low but I’m still hoping that I have a chance at a UC! Davis is the dream but I would be happy with any UC honestly haha.
Unweighted GPA: 3.83
Weighted GPA: 4.17
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.17
SAT: 1410
ACT: Not taken yet
ECs: I’m pretty interested in practicing medicine so I hope that my ECs will reflect that
Varsity lacrosse captain (Senior year)
Lacrosse player on JV (Freshman) and Varsity (Soph-Senior)
Lacrosse coach at a local after school enrichment program
US Lacrosse certified official/referee
President of medical club (Senior) member all 4 years
200+ hours volunteering at local hospital
Completed some volunteer work abroad in Ghana for medicine and shadowing
Summer intern at local hospital
Camp Counselor at an outdoor science camp for the past 2 years
I also work as a spanish and bio tutor.

I really hope my GPA doesn’t ruin my chances of getting into a good UC:( help me out please!

Welcome to College Confidential @ktle17.

I think you have a good chance at the majority of the UC’s with exception of UCLA/UCB and possibly UCSD but intended major can make you more or less competitive.

You have a solid SAT score, within range UC GPA, very good EC’s with leadership so write some equally good essays which could boost your profile. UC’s have become very competitive the last few years, so nothing is a guarantee. Make sure you have 1-2 solid safety schools on your list and best of luck.

2017 stats
Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 12.6%
UCLA: 11.7%
UCSD: 38.7%
UCSB: 53.6%
UCD: 56.5%
UCI: 52.1%
UCSC: 75.7%
UCR: 90.1%
UCM: 96.1%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1210- 1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

You look like a competitive applicant for all of them. With UCs however, you never know for sure. Be sure to apply broadly.

Good luck

I think you will get in.
A 4.17 and 1410 is great, and many of friends with lower stats got in. And you EC’s look amazing, especially the science/medicine related stuff, so your chances will be high. There’s still a slight chance of not getting in, so apply to more schools including safeties.
Good luck!

You’re in contention for all the UCs. If you want to shoot for the top tier UCs I would go for an SAT 1500+.