Chance me for UMN TC

I know that I have already gotten A LOT of help from you guys, but I will be giving you guys a little more information, and I have updated a couple of things here and there.


Asian (Indian) male

Cost not really a problem, so I can splurge if necessary.

U.S. Citizen

State/Location of residency:

Minnesota, United States

  • Type of high school * Public and Large
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity *: Male

Intended Major(s)

Computer Science and Data Science

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.78
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.18
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 29 (retaking July)
  • Rank: unknown


AP Scores:

AP Calc BC: 5 —10th
AP Calc AB Sub-score: 5 —10th
AP World History: 3 —10th


AP Physics C Mech (4,5) Guess
AP Physics C E and M (4,5) Guess
AP Lang and Comp (4) Guess
AP Macro (3,4) Guess
AP Statistics (3,4) Guess
AP Comparative Government (4) Guess
AP U.S. History (4) Guess

Taking around 6 more AP’s senior year




Student Council—leadership position 12th
Full testing help club (AP testing and ACT) partnered with school—12th
Club designed to helping incoming 9th graders ease into high school—member 12th
course choosing club for incoming high-school freshman —member 11th, 12th IDK
Political blog writer—12th member
Science Olympiad—member 11th, 12th maybe IDk
Computer Science Club—11th member and also 12th probably
Student led club—10th member
Spanish Club—9th member
10 volunteering hours (but since it’s so small, I don’t think I should even report them)
Summers: Eating. Sleeping. Eating. Watching. Sleeping. Watching


LOR 1: 7/10. I was under his tutelage for three consecutive terms, so I ardently believe that he has perceptively discerned both my strengths and weaknesses. AP U.S. History
LOR 2: 8/10. I’ve heard that this teacher writes fire essays, so I am hoping that it is true. AP Language and Composition
Counselor LOR: 5/10 I haven’t really talked with him at all tbh.

  • Can’t change teachers because I already asked them to write.

Personal Statement: I finished and sent it to my English teacher (they graduated from the University of Chicago). They said that out of the countless essays that I have read, mine was the most unique and interesting. “It not only encapsulates your personality, it also demonstrates how you are unique. You creatively employ various rhetorical and syntactic choices in order to augment your tone. The syntax choices help distinguish your essay from the hundreds others applying. Great Job and this is Ivy material…if not better,” they said. These statements mean a lot because they are the teacher who always points mistakes, yet this time, they did not. they were proud. But this makes me think. I researched and found out that it is possible to have bad grades and EC’s, but have a stellar common app essay and supplementals and get in to prestigious universities. I know a friend from my school who had a 3.2 gpa and got into Harvard because of her essays. This gives me a little bit of hope for T20 but IDK.


To be honest, my previous list was terrible (my parents hated it), so I need help making one. I am looking for universities close to home (Minnesota and Wisconsin), but I am willing to venture out (for T20).

  • Safeties? Other UMN campuses?
  • Matches? UMN TC?
  • Reaches? UW Madison? T20?

UMN is top priority, but my parents, upon learning about my essay, are adamant on me also applying to schools like MIT, Stanford, Harvard, and Berkley. Also, I want to know which extra curricular activities I should put on my common app. Also, a lot of people told me to go test optional. What is the minimum score that I should get on the July ACT so that reporting it is beneficial—for UMN TC? Everyone who I have talked to regarding admission to UMN TC has given me different answers into my chances, especially because of the competitive nature of my selected major(s). In the end, I just want a university good for computer science—preferably data science as well. If I get into the UMN TC, I should be able to persuade my parents into not applying for such impossible schools (T20), but my English teacher, with my essay, really has trust in me…

Please see poster’s other thread: Chance Me: U of MN Twin Cities but also T20 [MN resident, 3.77, 29, computer science / data science]

The OP is welcome to post an update and provide more information on the existing thread.

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