Chance me for UoA honors please

<p>Prospected Major: Business Management, Marketing, Economics, Entrepreneurship, etc. I know I wish to go into business, just looking to reduce what part of business. I will double major.</p>

<p>Statistics: Instate, White, Male. Current junior.</p>

<p>GPA: 2.6 unweighted, 3.1 weighted. My first 2 years were spent as the hardest and highest ranked private school in Arizona, I was unhappy there and did not fit in hence the low GPA. Then I went to a top ranked public school with the International Baccalaureate Program, I got 2 As, 3 Bs, and 1 C first semester. Probably the same for second semester of Junior Year. I am probably on track for a 3.0 unweighted GPA overall by the end of my high school career. All my classes that I have taken are honors level or IB level. </p>

<p>SAT: 2040. 710 Math, 690 Reading, 640 Writing, 65/80 on MC and 8 on Essay. </p>

<p>ACT: 27 (Should I send?)</p>

Freshman and Sophomore Year: SADD
Freshman-Senior Year: B’nai Tzedek Youth Philanthropy Board (Donates over $10,000 per year and leads 20 of us lead 200 kids.)
Junior and Senior Year: DECA (Took 8th place in quiz bowl at area, 2nd in my school’s marketing test. At state placed 3rd in Internet Marketing and 5th place in Quiz Bowl. Going to represent Arizona at Internationals in Internet Marketing.) Running for Vice President for Senior Year.
Junior and Senior Year: Key Club
Freshman and Sophomore Year: Math Olympiad, along with the Math Newspaper
Freshman-Senior Year: Tutoring
Sophomore and Junior Year: B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, Secretary and Treasurer for my Chapter, one of Founding Members
Junior and Senior Year: Invisible Children</p>

<p>The SAT score might get you in, but the gpa most likely will not. They tend to base admittance on numbers, and many times don't take into consideration all of your hard classes! But you can always appeal it!</p>

<p>Totally unrelated to your chances, but I wish I had stuck with BBYO. Gave it up after a few weeks.</p>

<p>I gave up recently because I felt I put in too much effort and was not rewarded.</p>

<p>If you don't get in when you're admitted you can still get in. If you do well the first year, you can nominate yourself and then be accepted. :)</p>