Chance Me for UPenn (ED), Duke, Yale, Brown, Cornell, Tufts, Georgetown and more...

GPA: 3.8621/4 (Upward Trend Evident 3.6 frosh year to 4.0 junior year)
ACT: 35
AP: 12 AP Classes Total
Awards: NM Commended, AP Scholar Distinction, Book Award Winner, 3x Regional Writing Contest Champion

1.) CTO of online cultural e-magazine. 750,000+ yearly readers. Editing, publishing, managing tech options, functionality, very involved stuff.

2.) ABRSM Distinguished Pianist
Completed 8th Grade (final level), Grade 5 Music Theory Complete. Performed at Regional ABRSM Distinction Honors Concert in Boston, MA.

3.) Alto/Bari Sax
1st Chair Select Wind Ensemble. 1st Chair Alto Jazz. Was 1st Chair Tombrone a few years ago (I played these parts on the Bari Sax).

4.) Carnatic Vocalist/Violinist
Very skilled in Carnatic vocals and violin (reached final level of training in both)…

5.) Founder/President of a Finance Club
75+ members, largest in school, revived long dead AP Econ curriculum at our school.

6.) BIG DATA Research
Skilled in R, Pig, Hadoop, SQL, HTML, Java, Python. Completed many courses. Currently pursuing a Big Data Specialization @ Johns Hopkins.

7.) Patent Holder
Provisional Patent Pending

8.) Regional Cultural School (keeping it vague to protect my location/identity)
currently teach little kids Indian culture and language. I was a graduate of this program.

9.) Surgical Intern/Physician’s Assistant
Recorded data. Observed surgeries. Responsible for recording BP, reading ECGs, and dressing wounds (India)…

10.) Founder/CEO of nonprofit
non-profit that incorporates my avocational interest in photography. Online photography community (170+ members)…sell our photos—> proceeds go to children suffering from AML

Expanded Resume includes: Many volunteering opportunities, Ayurvedic Internship, a crap ton of other clubs, Track, and Basketball.

Common App: 8-9/10
Supplementals: well done usually (9/10)

Schools: Those listed in the title, and UCLA, UC Berkeley, Notre Dame, Stanford, and a lot of the other matches/safeties

I think you have a good chance at Cornell and Tutts, Notre Dame. Hard to guage others without your essays.

really strong EC’s, definitely good GPA and test scores. The Ivy’s are unpredictable in admissions but you’re definitely a contender. Cornell, Duke, and Tufts are higher in chance.


EC’s are very good and your gpa isn’t that far behind considering it has a strong upward trend. If you applied to all the Ivies I’m sure you’d get into 2-3. Stanford and MIT would be harder but still possible, I think you’re selling yourself short on your college list. Add some harder to get into colleges into there man.

anyone else? please…

How is unique to you in comparison to other, ‘more qualified’, applicants?

Fantastic extra curriculars and great test scores. The gpa will probably hurt a bit, but it should be partially mitigated by your upwards trend. With some killer essays, i’d say you have a pretty decent shot at the ivies.

Yeah you should try Harvard. Those EC’s (the CEO and CTO ones) are pretty nice. You clearly demonstrate leadership abilities. How did you even get the CTO one? I find it a bit odd that a e jounral with 750k readers would hire a high school student regardless of how good that student may be. I would like to know the story behind that.


What’s your class rank?
Intended major?
Which area of the country do you live?

From an adult perspective, when you see a student listing a lot of pushing-the-edge of credibility ECs and then you fall across (as #7) “Patent Holder” (Provisional Patent Pending) it reinforces the impression that there is hot air involved. Why? b/c anybody can submit a patent application and then say “patent pending”. You are NOT a “Patent Holder” until the patent is granted. That can lead a reader to wonder if you are puffing your ECs at that level, are you puffing others on your list?

@sgopal2 no class rank (top 10%), undecided interdisciplinary (I’m indian, with pre med but have an intent do music)…New England

To everyone else, I have not lied about my credentials. They are all true. I have come here to solicit opinion not have my integrity questioned. I want honest opinions, I have nothing to gain by lying to you.