Chance me for Vandy, Davidson, and other schools I applied to


  • US domestic
  • State/Location of residency: Florida
  • Type of high school: private, college prep
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity: female, she/her, white
  • Other special factors: none

Intended Major(s)

  • I put psychology, sociology, education, and/or undecided for most schools. Going in undecided.

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.0 (My school only officially reports weighted, but I got an A+ in every class)
  • Weighted HS GPA: 4.71 (Honors is a .5 bump and AP is a 1 bump, e.g. an A+ is a 4.3 in regular, 4.8 in honors, 5.3 in AP)
  • Class Rank: My school doesn’t rank, but my class is around 90 students if that means anything.
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1570 SAT superscore (790 English, 780 Math) I took it twice, both in sophomore year, although I doubt that makes a difference.


5 APs

  • 9th: none (My school didn’t allow freshman to take APs)
  • 10th: AP CSP (5)
  • 11th: AP Lang (5), AP Calc AB (5)
  • 12th: AP Psych, AP Stats
  • This is the area I’m most worried about since my school allowed up to 10 APs and I only took half of that and they were mostly easy ones.

Foreign Language

  • 3 years of Korean online: two in 9th and one in 10th
  • 1 year of Hebrew online: summer before 11th
  • I didn’t take any foreign language after that, although I think my Hebrew class is listed on my transcript as first semester 11th.


  • 10th: Theory and Practice of Learning
  • 11th: Independent Study: Theory of Grading
  • 3-D Design: intro in 11th, honors in 12th


  • National Merit Semifinalist
  • Florida Holocaust Museum Anne Frank Humanitarian Award (11th)
  • AP Scholar
  • NHS
  • Mu Alpha Theta
  • National Art Honor Society
  • Scholastic Art and Writing Awards: Honorable Mention for Digital Art (9th)



  • GT School Summer Intern, summer before 12th, 40 hrs/wk (I helped build a math program for an online ed-tech start-up that wants to accelerate learning for motivated students.)
  • GT School Math Student Analyst, 12th, 10 hrs/wk (I’m basically helping build and run the AP Calc program with a bunch of other students right now.)


  • Warm Up America, 10-12th (I crochet blankets, clothes, etc. and donate them. I have about 200 hours from this.)
  • Florida Holocaust Museum, 9th (50-60ish hours)


  • Copy Editor of school newspaper, 12th
  • Co-President of Feminism Club, 12th (member in 11th)
  • Founding Member of Human Rights Club, 11-12th
  • Pride Club, 9-12th


  • Speedcubing, 11-12th, PB: 15.98 (It’s just a hobby, I haven’t done any competitions.)
  • Guitar, since I was 6 (also just a hobby)


  • I think my essays are good, although some are maybe a little strange.
  • My Common App essay is about how I don’t like lettuce, but at the end I revealed that it’s a metaphor for being asexual.
  • My LORs are from my AP Lang and AP Calc teachers.

Cost Constraints/Budget

  • N/A, not applying for financial aid


  1. New College of Florida (rolling, accepted w/ scholarship)
  2. Rollins (rolling, accepted w/ scholarship)
  3. University of South Florida (priority)
  4. Warren Wilson (EA)
  5. Hampshire (EA)
  6. University of Florida (priority)
  7. Oberlin (RD)
  8. Lewis & Clark (EA)
  9. Reed (EA)
  10. Colorado College (EA)
  11. Davidson (RD)
  12. Vanderbilt (RD)

I already got into 1 and 2 and I think 3-5 are safeties. UF and Oberlin are probably matches(?) No clue about L&C and Reed since Portland is so far away. And CC, Davidson, and Vanderbilt are reaches.

Thank you!! :blush:

Just my opinion but I think Vanderbilt is your only true reach. Davidson and Reed are maybe low reach/high target at worst. I live in WA state so know about Lewis and Clark plus Reed.

I think you will get into the vast majority of the schools and with some nice merit money. Be aware with Reed that they do not give merit aid, only financial need based aid and it is an expensive college.


Is speedcubing doing the Rubik’s cube really fast? I knew a guy in high school way back in the dark ages who got on TV for doing that!

I think you are in most you applied to also. I don’t think you would be challenged at some of your safeties, btw. Go visit as many schools as you can. I am seeing schools that seem pretty different from one another on here. I think if you can visit you will get a sense of if you will find your people there.

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Awesome! And that’s good to know, thanks so much!

Yes it is! And thanks for the advice, I’ll definitely be visiting most of them!

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