<p>@metsfan9 thank you :)</p>
<p>Your ECs are quite interesting. Your CR and W scores are right where they should be and your math score is better than 79% of enrolled students according to Vassar’s website. That class rank and GPA and IB will help you too. If I recall correctly, Vassar only gives need based aid. Since you’re not applying for aid as an international, I’d say you have a really good chance. If I had to put a number on it I’d say it’s in the range of 70-80% depending on how good your recs and essays are.</p>
<p>@burak96 Hi! Thank you so much for the feedback Good luck to you too!</p>
<p>Woahhhh ur stats are the bomb.com. if ur in state for uva, u will def get in!!! Best of luck!!!</p>
<p>@asianpoon thank you I’m applying to Vassar though</p>
<p>I think – actually, I know you have a really high chance of being accepted. Your scores are there but Great GPA (the IB Diploma is a boost) and Great ECs, I think they would shine the most on your app. </p>
<p>I think that you definitely have a good shot of getting accepted at Vassar college. You have really good ECs and your GPA is great. You would be definitely be accepted if your SAT scores were just a liiitle bit higher but no worries, I think you’ll still get in</p>
<p>I think you’re a shoo-in. you’re all set; your scores look great and extracurriculars make you stand out even more. could you chance me back? <a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1723996-chances-for-u-of-m-anna-arbor.html#latest”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1723996-chances-for-u-of-m-anna-arbor.html#latest</a></p>
<p>@Ghentsphenze Thank you I was hoping IB gets me through since all my classes are IB
@SFLiger Thank you
I know about SAT
I wanted to retake it but never got the time. @pursuingcollege thank you :)</p>
<p>i think you have every chance of making it into vassar and applying ED II shows some commitment which colleges are always looking for. i have a couple of friends who got in last year with a lower gpa than you and with less EC’s. good luck!</p>
<p>@russiabear oh wow thank you so much! Were your friends internationals by any chance? </p>
<p>Your E.C’s and GPA are really good and your sat test score is good.
I don’t know much about VASSAR but like what the others have said, I think you stand a good chance.</p>
<p>Good Luck getting in!</p>
<p>@sai6ks thank you </p>
<p>Damn, those are some stellar EC’s. I agree with everyone else, you have a very good chance. I would be surprised if you did not get in. I think your psychology research will definitely push you over the edge and make you stand out even amongst the highly qualified international applicants. Good luck!</p>
<p>@avix215 thank you so so much :)</p>
<p>i think your grades are pretty good and your ecs as well, i think you have a fair chance!</p>
<p>haha thank you so much @janeypie </p>
<p>nah, sorry they were plain ol’ americans</p>
<p>@russiabear haha okayy thanks anyway :)</p>
<p>I would be shocked if you didn’t get in! 95% confident haha. You have stellar grades, ACT, and extracurricular activities! If you don’t get in, it’s their loss!</p>