Chance Me for Yale Early Action

It’s not really about that. Everyone tries their best to get in, and sometimes you’re just not what they’re looking for that year! Yale has a 6% overall acceptance rate. Trust me - you are not the only one who is disappointed!

[quote=“mjg13xx, post:23, topic:2800459”]
If I wasn’t in the top 10% of the early pool, I’ll never be in the top 5% of the regular group or the top 5-15% of any of my top 7-8 schools.[/quote]

That’s really not how it works. Most of the students that I know who are at that level of school were turned down by another at that level- so the kid Stanford turned down is at Princeton, the kid Yale turned down is at Harvard, etc. That’s not to say you will definitely get into one of your other top 7-8 schools (especially if all of those schools are sub-10% admissions!). But it is to say that all that stuff about building a class, about looking for fit: that’s not just talk. How 18 y.o. you sees fit and how the AOs see fit don’t always align- but by in large it works out and students tend to be happy where they land.

And of course, “deferred is not denied”.


I just want to say that you really did do everything you could. You took full advantage of every opportunity around you, and you clearly put in the time and effort to craft the very best application for yourself. Be proud of that accomplishment.

I think college admissions is like buying a car–you can be prepared with all the research, but when you walk into a dealership, you have no idea of the backroom manufacturer incentives they’re working with. In other words, they hold all the cards. So do your due diligence, but your goal shouldn’t be getting “the best deal for the best car,” it should really be getting the car you like, at a price you can live with.

My (single) legacy kid was deferred too. I’m proud of them for putting themselves out there. I think that applying as a legacy is tricky…if you get in, you and others will doubt your merits, and if you’re denied, you feel worse because of added expectations.

I know it’s disappointing. Take good care of yourself. It’s clear to me that you’re going to be okay. I’m confident you’re going to get a car–maybe not this car, but definitely some nice car–in the end. :slight_smile:


Thank you so much! I’ve been having a rough day, but you made me smile and feel much better about the whole process :))

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Another question for the CC community – do I need more matches/safeties? In addition to my top eight schools, which are all extremely selective (Yale/Chicago/Georgetown/Harvard/Tufts/Columbia/UPenn/Brown) I have American, BC, GW, and URI.

Sorry to ask you another question, but have you received anything else from Yale after being accepted such as physical mail or emails?

Again, I am so sorry to bother you.

I wasn’t accepted :frowning: I was deferred. Sorry!

Hey! I’m only seeing this now. I haven’t received anything yet, but they are supposed to send Yale info and a t-shirt in the mail.

No problem! Just wondering!

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I got in after being deferred!!! Also got into Harvard, Penn, Brown, Georgetown, Emory, Tufts, BC, American, GW and URI.


So happy for you! I remember reading your post several months ago and being shocked when you got deferred. And now you got into both Harvard and Yale!!! Congrats :partying_face:

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Thank you so much!!!

I also remember reading this as a fellow Rhode Islander. Congratulations on the great results!

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Thank you so much!! I seem to remember that your daughter was applying as well. Is she happy with how the process went for her?

Congratulations!! Have you made a decision yet? Please keep us posted :slight_smile:

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OMG huge congrats!!! That’s amazing especially given that this is a super competitive year!! Best of luck deciding - you have GREAT options!!!

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Thank you!! I’m not sure yet, but I’ll let you know once I’ve figured it out.

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I’ve made my decision: I’m going to Yale!!


Congratulations​:tada: hopefully my DD will be there with you next year :crossed_fingers:t2:
Thank you for all of your transparency and for bringing us along on your journey!

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