Chance me - Georgetown university

Demographics Northeast

  • US domestic (US citizen or permanent resident) or international student - US Citizer
  • State/Location of residency: (state is important if you apply to any state universities) - Pennsylvania
  • Type of high school (current college for transfers): Public
  • Gender/Race/Ethnicity (optional): Asian :wink:
  • Other special factors (first generation to college, legacy, athlete, etc.):

Intended Major(s) : Finance

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: 3.75
  • Weighted HS GPA (incl. weighting system): 4.2
  • College GPA (for transfers):
  • Class Rank: NA
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 1530 (M 780, E 750 )

(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores for high school; also include level of math and foreign language reached and any unusual academic electives; for transfers, describe your college courses and preparation for your intended major(s))
AP USHistory, AP Stats, AP English, AP Computer Science

FBLA State champion, Nationalist

(Include leadership, summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)
Eagle scout, Senior Patrol Leader

(Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.)

Cost Constraints / Budget
(High school students: please get a budget from your parents and use the Net Price Calculators on the web sites of colleges of interest.)

(List of colleges by your initial chance estimate; designate if applying ED/EA/RD; if a scholarship is necessary for affordability, indicate that you are aiming for a scholarship and use the scholarship chance to estimate it into the appropriate group below)

  • Safety (certain admission and affordability)
  • Likely (would be possible, but very unlikely or surprising, for it not to admit or be affordable)
  • Match
  • Reach
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It’s Georgetown so anyone’s chances are pretty low. I think your GPA is on the low side for Gtown and I don’t really see enough in your EC’s to make up for it, so I think it’s an unlikely reach, unfortuantely. And I am not sure that Gtown’s REA bump is as helpful as ED is for some other selective schools.
But it’s possible Gtown doesn’t get a lot of Eagle Scout leaders so maybe that will work in your favor…

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Thanks. Do they consider being National merit semifinalists? I am almost finalized in finding internship for some qccounting work. Does it help? Any other suggestions to do during this summer? I got wait listed to both YYGS and wharton LBW.

when people talk about sat, it is super scored, right?

Georgetown requires you to send ALL SAT or ACT scores, not superscored.


Sorry I do not know if Georgetown looks at super scored. I read that we have to submit all test scores. I am considering to take another shot at SAT, will it help compensate my GPA?

Tbh, I am no better at guessing what AO thinks than you are. A higher score would certainly help but I am not entirely sure how much of a lift it would give. I heard theory before a 1530 is good enough even for very selective schools. Your sat is good already. I know a kid with 1540 going to brown and a kid with 1530 going to Harvard. I guess It depends on the whole package.

How are your AP scores and whats your approx rank. Top 5%, 10% 25%??

A 1530 is a good SAT score and is not going to keep you out of Georgetown. And becoming an Eagle Scout is a great accomplishment, too. You have a shot at Georgetown, but it’s unlikely to happen because admissions are so very competitive. Georgetown receives far more highly qualified candidates than it can accept, so there will be many, many, many qualified students who don’t receive an offer from them. Shoot your shot, but make sure you have other schools where you are likely to be admitted, that your family can afford, and that you would be happy to attend. Do you need other suggestions of schools to consider? If so, let us know what you’re interested in in a college and what your budget is.


Thanks for the details. I am interested to learn finance/business to get into IB career. My parents can cover 3/4th of the tuition and I will take loans for the remaining. I am also interested in NYU stern another competitive school I guess. I am from PA and Penn State is one safety school I am hoping to get admitted into, I am also looking at Indiana Kelly. There are few other reach schools I am interested in but not sure if I should even bother to apply like Duke, Northwestern, Nodre Dame, and Dartmouth. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

If I get all A’s in my junior year will it help with college admission? I have 2 B’s in both Freshman and Sophomore year. Freshman yeas was due to covid, but no specific reasoning for Sophomore year. I messed up my grades.

Thanks for your help.

of course a strong Junior year will help but they aren’t going to ignore those 2 B’s in Soph year, even if they look past the B’s in that freshman Covid year. there will be many many applicants with all A’s.
Nothing really jumps out from your application the way you have described it. If your LOR’s and essays are really strong, then take a shot at some of those reach schools, but you really need some more matches. IU Kelly and Penn State are good, and if you are happy with those maybe that’s all you need. definitely visit your safety/likely schools and hopefully fall in love with one
and a loan for 1/4 of tuition at these elite private colleges is a hefty sum (like $60$ over 4 years).

PA is full of good schools for finance. Maybe look at Lehigh or F&M?

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Just on case you are not aware. Total cost for Gtown is over 80K, if your parents are covering 60K (assuming they are helping on R&B too), that leaves close to 25k a year for you to cover. you can take $5500 in federal loans out Freshman year and that increases to 7500 by Junior year but that still leaves almost 20K in other loans that would have to be co-signed by your parents. You might want to run the EFC on the schools website upfront before applying.


You need to back way up:

First, you can only borrow $5.5-7.5K/pa in your own name. How much can your parents afford? Georgetown is ~$80K/year (NYU is ~$85K). Have them run the NPCs on a few different types of schools to see what they can afford. Start with your instate public school (including various campuses), and work from there.

Once you have some idea what numbers will work, build a list from the bottom up: identify at least 1 school that you like, that you are sure you can afford and that you are sure to get into.

Once you have that school identify 3-5 schools that you can afford, and where your stats make it pretty likely that you should get in.

THEN - and only then- start figuring out which colleges would be your ‘reach’ schools.

Note that you will need to figure out where you are in your class: are you in the top 10% 25%? if not, realistically, most of the fancy names are not going to happen.

RE: IB. Saying you want to go into IB at 16 is a lot like saying you want to be a doctor at 16: you can’t have any idea what it means. That’s not a criticism! there is no way you could know at this stage. So instead of thinking of it as an end goal, think of it as an area of interest, a clue to how you will find a path that is satisfying and rewarding for your adult work life. Think about what you like about the idea of being in IB: for many students it is seen as a fast path to money and status- but what else. Accounting and finance are quite different directions (they both involve numbers and money but are applied very differently), and finance is not synonymous with IB.

So keep testing out what suits you. For example, if you do an accounting internship this summer, pay attention not just to how you like the work you are doing (which will mostly not be the most interesting part, b/c you are the intern!), but what other jobs people are doing around you: do any of those roles look interesting to you? Think about the skills you see people using- are they areas that you are strong in? do they fit with your temperament?


Does your family have financial need? If not (run the NPC), then how will you pay for 25%? Not with loans.

That goes the same for any school you listed.

PSU Smeal and IU are both fine schools. An IU is semi-elite and at much lower cost than the others - so can your family cover?

You’re in a fine position - many schools will want you - and it’s good you are planning a school your parents can afford.

Good luck.

Do you identify as male? Heard on recent podcast “Your College Bound Kid” a snippet that Gtown Admissions has commented they have low numbers of males applying & need them - not an exact quote but that was the idea

Yes, I am male. Hopefully that along with my eagle scout will help slightly. I will apply and see what happens. I just came to know that Indianna Kelly is auto admit with my stats. That will most lilely be my safety school.

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