Chance me getting into Electrical Engineering or Computer Engineering at VT

<p>I live in VA so I'm in state</p>

<p>4.6GPA weighted</p>

<p>SAT: 2090
Math: 700
Critical Reading: 720
Writing: 670</p>

Math: 780
US History: 790
Literature: 740</p>

World History: 5
US History: 5
Literature: 5
Music Theory: 4
Biology, Government, Calculus: We'll see in May (I'm getting A's in the classes though)</p>

8th (My school let me take some high school classes in 8th grade for credit)
Algebra 1 Honors
World Geography
Spanish 1</p>

Spanish 2
Geometry Honors
Biology Honors
Ancient World History Honors
World Literature Honors</p>

Spanish 3
Algebra2/Trig Honors
Chemistry Honors
Music Theory
American Literature Honors
AP World History</p>

Spanish 4 Honors
AP Music Theory
Physics Honors
PreCalculus Honors
AP Literature
AP US History</p>

<p>12th (current year)
Dual enrollment English class
AP Government
AP Calculus
AP Biology
Weight Lifting</p>

Jazz Band 4yrs
Orchestra 3yrs
Chess club Founder and president 2yrs (until canceled because not enough people joined)
Art Club
Vice President of 11th grade class
Member of this student leadership organization at our school (basically we're in charge of certain things)
Member of this library association at my school (high honor for my school)
Honor Board Member (on the board to do hearings for people who break the school's honor code)</p>

Academic Distinction in all my classes (top 10%)
High Honors
English Departmental award</p>

<p>Do you think I could get in to electrical engineering? Should I take the SAT again to boost that math score? Will all my literature, history, and music classes count against me? I went to a small liberal arts high school, I took the hardest classes...</p>

<p>Your math score is on the lower end, if you retake it’s completely up to you - I would just for kicks since VT superscores anyway (though it is getting a bit late, might want to jump on that asap). Your GPA is excellent, I would say you’re good for getting into the College of Engineering but nothing’s for sure - I would definitely try to raise that math score up if you could just to lock it in. Regardless, you’ll definitely get an acceptance whether or not to the engineering school.</p>

<p>Actually, your math score is in the upper 50%, not on the lower end for VT Engineering students. Here’s the stats for the enrolled engineering class of 2009:</p>

<p>Undergraduate students Fall 2009
Applied 5137
Offered 3667
Enrolled 1207
Mean SAT Math 672
Mean SAT Verbal/CR 606
Mean SAT Writing 598
Mean H.S. GPA 3.97</p>

<p>If you want to see all the stats yourself, look here:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I would be absolutely stunned to see you not get in.</p>

<p>edit: Even if you’re from NoVa.</p>

<p>Stats look really solid. You do know that you apply to general, right? The earliest you can declare your major in the CoE is after the first semester if, as I’m assuming, you make Dean’s List.</p>

<p>I think it’s silly that you can’t declare early if you’ve got the whole four years mapped out or overload past the first semester, but that’s stat-padding and bureaucracy for you.</p>

<p>To clarify, you do apply to the college of engineering, you simply do not declare your specific major within engineering until spring term. Some majors are far mor competitive then others so obviously the higher your GPA the better you chances of getting your choice.</p>

<p>I believe your stats are a good match for VT. Your math is fine. In engineering you always hope for the highest score possible as generally the scores are higher than general studies, however 700 along with your rigor of study and GPA should be fine. If you are concerned and feel you could raise the score, it may not be too late to sign up for the Nov SAT. You’d have time to see your scores and send a super-score prior to the deadline, provided you were not planning on apply ED.</p>

<p>If your school uses Naviance this is the best guide to determine what student from your school have needed for acceptance. It varies widely within the state (as Chuy noted). Look for the cluster, ignoring random low and high admits that scew the avg scores. </p>

<p>Best of luck!</p>