Chance Me/Give Me Advice

Absolutely. Please don’t misunderstand me. Your accomplishments are terrific and I am sure that they will impress to the prep schools. I really was just trying to say that the resume type stuff has already been accomplished. Your math grade is probably what it is at this point and fretting over it isn’t going to help. The awards/honors are great but don’t fall into the trap of believing that another award or prize is going to be a deciding factor. Right now the only things that are really in your control between now and the application deadlines are interviews, short answer questions, and essays. Make the most of them as ways to demonstrate why you would be a good fit in the specific school communities. That is does not have to be about community service just about who you are already within your various communities (school, teams, orchestra or chamber groups, church if that is something you do, neighborhood and so forth). Focus on what you care about and why.

So when you wrote this earlier in the fall, your description of why you want to go to boarding school was pretty compelling:

But I strongly believe that you can’t say things like several other posts that you wrote in other threads. Below, it sounds like your main interest in boarding schools is their prestige or ranking, but based on my experience with several of the schools on your list, the admissions offices want to know how you will fit the culture of their particular school. They will not find the reason “because I want to go to a top boarding school” to be a compelling reason to admit you. Nor will they admit you merely because you are a top student from a top public school with a great list of honors and awards <–this resume will help (it certainly won’t hurt), but you should use the interviews and essays to highlight the stuff that is not obvious from the transcript, awards, and portfolios. I would worry less about impressing the schools (you are already impressive) and more about showing them why they will enjoy having you there and why being at a boarding school is actually a better fit for you than a “top public school,” and that is where the stuff about having moved around a lot and wanting to find a community and meaningful relationships might be useful in helping them understand what you desire from a school and why.