Chance Me!! Good Schools?

<p>I'm a senior and so far I've applied to Tufts, Yale (big reach!), Boston College, American (safety?), Northeastern (safety?), NYU, UChicago, Northwestern, Emory, Kenyon & UNC - Chapel Hill.</p>

<p>Since I still have time, do you reccomend any other schools? And will I get into these, do you think? :)</p>

<p>Here are my stats....</p>

<p>Weighted GPA - 4.0
Unweighted GPA - 3.9
Best SAT (New) - 1920
Best ACT - 34
AP Bio Score - 4
AP Language - 5
AP Psychology - 5</p>

Student Government Officer for one year
Communications Club member for two years
Supporting Role in spring production
6 years of Guitar
1 year of Piano
Newspaper Editor for two years
Italian Honors Society</p>


<p>My essay has been edited by a journalist friend and my English teacher. It's about growing up with no money and sticking with your family through rough times, then coming out of it and learning about your strengths and appreciating your family's love.</p>

<p>Haha, have I said too much? Cheesy, right? I think it's good, but you know!</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>