Chance Me - Graduate

<p>Hi everybody!</p>

<p>I'm an italian student at La Sapienza University in Rome, Italy.
I will graduate in Aerospace Engineering (BS) in 2010 with a final score of 95/110 (approximatively).</p>

<p>My actual GPA is 3.18 and I'd really like to come to US for a MS in Aero.</p>

<p>At the high school I graduate with a GPA of 4.00/4.00.</p>

<p>Which graduate schools should I apply?</p>

<p>I've seen something about:</p>

Georgia Tech
Texas Austin
Texas A&M
Virginia Tech
Univ of Minnesota</p>

<p>The cut-off is 3.0 in every of this schools.</p>

<p>Any suggestions for UT-Austin?</p>


<p>With a 3.18 GPA, it may be difficult to get into grad school at UT-Austin. At many of these schools, you probably need numbers well beyond the published minimums to get admitted. A superb GRE score (plus good recommendations, etc.) would certainly help your chances.</p>

<p>From UT’s admission stats, for Aersopace Engineering MS/PhD in 2007:</p>

<p>188 applied, 31 admitted, 24 enrolled (16.5% acceptance rate)
For those admitted,
Mean GPA: 3.70
Mean GRE: 546V, 753Q</p>

<p>GT and UIUC are probably similarly selective, while A&M, VT, and Minnesota may be less so.</p>

<p>And which grad school would you suggest me to apply to?</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>These are just ideas - I do not know much about getting a Masters in Aerospace Engineering, and I do not know if you will be accepted at U Texas or not. (I think that U Texas Arlington also offers graduate school in Aerospace Engineering if you particularly like Texas.)</p>

<p>For undergraduates, some schools that are good but not too difficult to get into are:
(private schools) Case Western Reserve University. University of Dayton. both in Ohio
(public) Missouri University of Science and Technology in Rolla. West Virginia University.
Those four might be possibilities and they do have masters and ph.d.'s in aerospace engineering. good luck.</p>

<p>I will have a look into those school…</p>

<p>Thank u for your help, any advice is accepted!</p>

<p>Check out Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Its top in the nation for aerospace. [Master</a> degrees, graduate degrees at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - About Our Degrees](<a href=“]Master”></p>

<p>Georgia Tech has also a nice Aerospace program.</p>