here are my stats plzzz anybody be as honest possible with my admission decision!! Thanks :]
Gpa: 4.1
Going in test optional, i think my scores will hurt me more than help me even though theyre relatively high
VERY low income
Middle eastern
Over 10 ECs
1 varsity sport 2 JV sports for 3 years
Class rank top 10 % out of 400
Columbian arts and sciences

hey! i have about the same gpa, also going test optional and took around the same amount of Aps, and waiting to hear back from ED 1, so i think you have a great shot!! good luck!!

So exciting!!! Let me know how it goes fingers crossed you get in, best of luck!

Your stats seem to be good-to-go. I think you’ve got a good shot. Just make sure that you’re doing all you can to show interest to the school. Depending where you live, your socioeconomic status might not allow you to travel to the school to tour (unless you have already) but you can definitely reach-out to your local Admissions Rep and “plead your case.”

Good luck! If you get in (and go physics as your name suggests) you’ll enjoy yourself. There are a couple of really great professors in the department (I received a B.S. in Physics in 2011).

I think you’re probably borderline—though I don’t know about GW admissions. When I toured GW, I got the impression that they really valued community service. So on your application, I’d be sure to mention how much you have done.