Chance Me GWU 2024

Hi! GWU is my dream school and I would like to apply to GWU ED2, but I may apply for regular decision due to financial need. Do you think students who apply ED have a better chance at receiving financial aid?

Also, can you chance me? I am applying to the Elliot School as an International Affairs major

Attends a North Carolina Public School
Bilingual, English and Polish
GPA Unweighted: 3.73/4.00
GPA Weighted: 4.273/5.00
Class Rank: 23/223
AP Classes: 7 (the max at my school is 9); Human Geography, World History, APUSH, Lang, Lit, Stats, Gov
**all the rest of my classes I have taken as honors
SAT: 1220 (probably won’t submit it)
-Marching Band all 4 years, our band has won numerous grand champion awards and consistently places at competitions
-Model UN, President (senior yr), Secretary (junior yr)
-Videographer and writer for Politicized News, a teen run news organization with 54.1k insta followers
-Jazz Band, 4 years, selected to play in a student run jazz band as well, solos sophomore and junior years
-Beta Club/National Honors Society
-Volunteer Sunday School Teacher at Church for 3 years
-Lead altar server at church for all 4 years
-Worked a summer job prior to senior year as a receptionist at a local business
-I run an editing account as a hobby, 500+ followers
-Quiz Bowl soph-senior year

-AP Scholar with Honors
-Beta Club/NHS
-Tri-M Music Honors Society

Your changes of getting in is around 45%. Keep in mind that you are applying to the most competitive college on GWU’s campus and we are cutting the undergraduate population down to 8400 students over the next 5 years though so you never know what can happen. Overall your in decent shape. Don’t ED because you might end up getting less financial aid since they know you want to attend badly. Many of my friends that ED are suffering form this problem right now. I am on the Deans council for admission so let me know if you need anything in the future. Raise High. P.s have a strong economic & political background for the IA program, it’s ranked #6 in the nation for a reason. Good luck

I’d say that you’ve got a moderate chance at acceptance. Your application is very good, but so is everyone that gets into the Elliott School. I’d recommend to put a lot of heart into your essay(s) to convey your desire to attend GW. How badly you want it definitely helps.

And as far as your chance for aid, applying ED apparently hurts your odds at aid. If you need more than the average student, RD is the way to go.

Good luck, and keep us posted!

I really hope you get in, I’m in a similar boat!

@Stino13 Hey! So I applied ED, and GWU is truly the only school that I want to go to. Like many others, I want to study IR. The one thing that you mention that really worries me is financial aid. My family is middle class so I feel like mine will be the standard story of not receiving nearly enough aid. However, is it really true that they wouldn’t offer me a good amount just because I applied ED? That really terrifies me, I won’t lie, since GWU is my top choice.
(Just for some background I am trilingual, 4.1 WGPA, 6 AP, Dual Enrollment, 5/410 rank, volunteering for state rep, 500+ community service, VP of NEHS, etc.)