Chance Me! GWU


I’m a white, female senior. I’m applying to GW and wanted to know my chances. I’m applying for Political Communication and the Politics and Values program at SMPA. I’m also interested in a minor in linguistics. I listed out my basic stats and everything below. My school is a really competitive magnet school and I’m probably one of the people who’s average. Thanks!

Location: Raleigh, NC
Current GPA: W-4.087 UW-3.5652
Rank-169 of 582
SAT (Attempted 2 times): First: Math- 540 Reading-670, Second: Math-730 Reading-670
AP Scores: AP Seminar-3, WHAP-3, AP Lang-3, APES-4, APUSH-4 (taking AP Lit and AP Psych this year)
Significant Classes: all the APs above plus IB TCT, IB Global Politics, video production for all 4 years, no science or math senior year (didn’t fit in with schedule), french all 4 years

-Model UN all 4 years. Held leadership for sophomore through senior year. President senior year.
-Political Club for sophomore through senior year. Treasurer junior year, president senior year.
-Intern for mayoral campaign during sophomore year.
-Volunteer for Autism Society of NC during Junior year.
-Volunteer for Southeast Raleigh Promise during Senior year.
-Volunteer for student-led organization that raises money to buy supplies for teachers at my school
-Costume shop technician for my school’s spring musical all 4 years, videographer for junior and senior year musicals
-Emerson College summer pre-college for digital film
-UNC School of the Arts summer pre-college for film
-Cashier at a fast food restaurant for second half of junior year and all of senior year.

-4 conference specific awards for model un (as of the beginning of senior year)
-AP Capstone diploma
-AP Scholar with distinction
-NATAS nomination for a short documentary

-My French teacher who I’m really close with. I eat lunch in her room a lot and we talk about politics a lot.
-My history teacher who went to GW. I’m really involved in his class and I think he likes me.
-My AP Research teacher. I’m was really involved in that class and I help her with her busy work a lot. I was definitely a teacher’s pet.
-My counselor. The counselors at my school don’t get to know anyone until senior year unless you have some special circumstance. They do interviews to get to know you and I think I did well in mine.

Current Courses:
My school lets us take IB classes without being in the IB program.
-AP Lit
-AP Psych
-IB Global Politics SL
-Holocaust and Genocide in World Studies (honors elective)
-IB Twentieth Century Topics SL
-French 4 (honors)
-Video Production 3 (double period honors)

I also really want to apply ED1 since GW is my dream school but my mom is worried about getting merit aid since we won’t qualify for financial aid.

Your changes of getting into GWU is around 85% and I think you might even receive a full ride, depending on how much your parents make. We are cutting the undergraduate population down to 8400 students over the next 5 years though so you never know what can happen. Overall your in very good shape. Don’t ED because you might event up getting less money since they know you want to attend badly. Many of my friends that ED are suffering form this problem right now. I am on the Deans council for admission so let me know if you need anything in the future. Raise High.


I’d say you’ve got a very good chance at acceptance. I can’t really speak to your chance at merit aid, however. Good luck, and keep us posted.