Chance me (high school sophomore) for a couple of schools?

I just want to know what more I can do to raise my chances for a couple of schools.

Freshman Year GPA:
First Semester: 4.0
Second Semester: 4.0
Sophomore Year GPA:
First Semester: 3.81 (4 A-'s, but no B+'s. One A+ but that’s not weighted)

Cum GPA: 3.94 (this is unweighted, my school doesn’t do weighted GPAs)
I took Honors Math and Honors Spanish both Freshman and Sophomore Year. My school has grade-wide required English, History, and Science so no chance of honors there.
Next year I plan to take Honors English, Honors US History, Honors Chem, Physics, Honors Precalc, Honors Spanish 4, and an elective (haven’t decided what yet).
I took the PSAT and got a 1320 which isn’t terrible (690 reading, 630 math) but the math score should improve with the Algebra 2H I’ve taken.
My school doesn’t have APs but I plan to take the AP Language test next year as well as AP English Lit and possibly AP Us History.

Varsity tennis 3 years
SPCA volunteer since sophomore year (application time I should have 2+ years of work experience and 300+ hours)
Pathways to medicine workshops about dissection and IVs
Internship (summer) with a cardiologist
JV Lacrosse (probably varsity by application time)
Summer Spanish Immersion program (I am conversationally fluent currently and hopefully will be fully fluent by application time)
One Acts (school play) 2 years

What do my chances look like right now for colleges? I know the Ivies are all crazy so I don’t even get my hopes up for them, except maybe Dartmouth because I’m a legacy. My sister goes to Georgetown and I was wondering, do you think I have a chance there?

Ok so basically can you preliminary chance me for:
Johns Hopkins
UC Berkeley
and if you guys have any other colleges like that you think I’d have a chance at

You’re on track I will say. It’s hard to determine the chances without those test scores even though test scores aren’t everything. You have great ECs and if you continue to do well in school, you have a great chance at Georgetown and Dartmouth with the legacy/alumni relations.

(PSAT score is great for a sophomore)