Chance me? I chance back!

NYU Stern
Penn State (legacy)

Single Sitting-770 CR/720 M/740 W
(2230/2400 or 1490/1600)
Superscore-770 CR/750 M/740 W (2260/2400 or 1520/1600)

35 E/35 M/35 R/36 S
35 composite

800 Math II, 800 USH, 740 Bio

UW GPA: 95.3/100 (slacked off a bit during freshman year and the end of junior year. Senioritis kicked in a year too early lol)

Course load:
Freshman Year-
Global History Honors
Geometry Honors
English Honors
Bio Honors
French II
Some art classes
Sophomore Year-
Global History Honors
Algebra 2/Trig Honors
Chemistry Honors
English Honors
French III
Latin I (was not able to continue taking Latin the next year bc of scheduling issues)
Junior Year-
UHS Physics (General Physics I and II through SUNY Albany)
English Honors
Precalc Honors
French IV
Business Law
Senior Year-
AP Calc BC
AP Stats
AP English Lit
AP French
AP Chem
AP Gov

Figure Skating (9, 10, 11, 12)-my main EC. I’ve skating since I was maybe 8. I’m not nationally ranked or anything but I’ve won/medaled in some fairly large competitions. I skate maybe 8-10 hours a week during the school year, 14-16 hours a week during the summer. I have skating right after school so I don’t have time for clubs
Learn to Skate (11, 12)-I teach Learn to Skate at a local YMCA
A discussion group at my school (10, 11, 12)
Volunteering (9, 10, 11, 12)-I’ve probably gotten at least 100 hours

National French Contest (4th National, 9th National, 10th National, 8th regional)
National Latin Exam Gold
Skating stuff
Stonehill College Book Award
Most likely National Merit Semifinalist

I’m just worried about my weak ECs and lack of awards.

Asian American

Thanks and I chance back!

NYU Stern - High Match
BC - Match
BU - Safety/Low Match
Northeastern - Safety/Low Match
USC - Match
Michigan - Low Reach
Tufts - Low Reach
Penn State (legacy) - Safety
WUSTL - High Match
Cornell - Reach
Dartmouth - Reach
Georgetown - Reach for Walsh, but the School of Business might be a Low Reach

Good luck, you’re an incredibly accomplished student!

Your grades and scores are awesome. ECs are good.

NYU- Match maybe high
BC-low match
BU- safety
Northeastern- low match
USC- match
Michigan- match
Tufts- Low reach
Penn State- Safety
WUSTL- low reach
Cornell- Reach
Dartmouth- Reach
Georgetown- Low reach

Chance me back?

NYU- Match
BC-low match
BU- safety
Northeastern- low match
USC- high match
Michigan- high match
Tufts- Low reach
Penn State- Safety
WUSTL- low reach
Cornell- Reach
Dartmouth- Reach
Georgetown- Low reach

You’ll get into most for sure :slight_smile:


You said to chance you back on my thread, but I don’t think I’m very qualified to do that. But if you don’t get into all those schools I don’t know who will. Your course load and scores are incredible.


Stats and GPA are amazing! Puts you as competitive for any of these schools.

NYU Stern - low reach/reach
BC - low reach
BU - match
Northeastern - match
USC - low reach/match
Michigan - low reach
Tufts - low reach
Penn State (legacy) - safety
WUSTL - low reach
Cornell - reach
Dartmouth - reach
Georgetown - reach

BU, Penn State- Low match/ safety
NYU, BC, Northeastern, USC- match
Michigan, Tufts- low reach
Cornell, Dartmouth, Georgetown- reach
Don’t know anything about WUSTL
Good luck! Chance back please!

I agree with the others above me. I think your academic success (especially your test scores) really puts you up there. I wouldn’t worry about your extracurriculars because you seem very dedicated to skating. I imagine balancing your academic rigor with your demanding skating schedule was difficult, but you managed it! Not a lot of people can say that. Your volunteer hours are great also! You’re definitely good for the competitive non-ivies. :slight_smile: Good luck!

Amazing GPA and scores.
NYU, BU, BC, NE, Penn are matches
USC, Tufts, Michigan, WUSTL low reaches
Cornell, Dartmouth, George, are reaches

Maybe skating can make a good essay topic? :slight_smile:

Chance back?

does your school rank?
as others have said, for most of the schools you listed, i don’t think you have to worry about getting in. you have strong stats and ECs, and i’m sure you’ll have good essays and recs as well. i’d say georgetown, usc, cornell, dartmouth are reaches, with the two ivies being higher reaches. the rest are matches imo. best of luck!

here is my chances thread:

NYU- Match
BC- Low Match
BU- Match
Northeastern- Low Match
USC- Match
Michigan- Match
Tufts- Low Reach
Penn State (legacy)- Match
WUSTL- Low Reach
Cornell- Reach
Dartmouth- Reach
Georgetown- Reach

I hope you get into your desired college :slight_smile:
Chance back?