Chance Me! - Including Scholarships?

Rising Senior from a Public School in MA
GPA: 4.37 (W); 3.67 (UW)
Rank: 11th out of 285
APs: 5 Junior Year - Bio (5), Lang and Comp (4), Chem (3), Physics 1 (3), US History (4)
APs: 3 Senior Year - Spanish, Calculus AB (School doesn’t offer BC), Psychology
All honors classes through freshman and sophomore year, Honors and APs junior and senior
PSAT: 1340 (710 English, 630 Math)
SAT: 1450 (750 Math, 700 EBRW)

Academic Honors:
High Honor Roll every quarter since freshman year (12 quarters)
SUMMA excellence award
NJHS inductee in 8th Grade
Spanish NHS

Highly involved in local Boys and Girls Club
Summer Camp Volunteer (2014-16)
Summer Camp Staff member (17-Present)
Fun Club after school program staff member (17-Present)
TORCH Community Service Club (2013-15)
Vice President (2014-15)
Keystone Community Service Club (2015-Present)
President (2016-17)
2017 Boys and Girls Club of Greater Billerica Youth of the Year
Science League Member - BMHS (2015-16)