Chance me: Indian Male for Data Science, 4.0, 1480, TX resident, top 8% rank

Demographics: Male, Indian, $120K+ single household , competitive HS, Texas resident

Major: Data Science

SAT: 1480(690 English, 790 Math)

UW: 4.0/4.0 W: 5.58/6.0.

Rank: 65 out of a bit more than 900 students(barely top 7%)

Coursework: 10 honors, 11 APs, 7 Dual Credit

Freshman Year: APHUG(5)

Sophomore Year: APCSA(4), APWH(5)

Junior Year: AP Calc AB(5), AP Psych(5), AP Stats(5), AP Physics 1(3), Dual Credit English

Senior Year: AP Physics C, AP Environmental Science, AP Calc BC, Dual Credit Literature


AP Scholar with Distinction

Java IT Certified(if this counts)

School award for having a 4.0

Adobe Certified Professional for Photoshop


SNHS - member

Math Honors Society - Member

100 hours of volunteering at my local serving center

Robotics Club - lead coder for my team and competed at the district level

Computer Science Club - member

UTD Summer Research Internship for data analytics - learned how to use apps like Tableau for data analysis.

Piano classes for 8 years and played in recitals

Self-taught and fluent in HTML, CSS, Javascript, SQL

Made a couple of websites from scratch(ex: made a GPA calculator for my district since they calculate it differently than most).


AP Calc AB and AP Physics teachers - did well in both of their classes but not that close with them(6/10).

AP Psychology teacher - had a better relationship with him compared to both of my other teachers and did well in the class as well(7/10).

Essays: Commonapp essay is about a 9/10. Supplementals 7-8/10. Included additional info about why I could not participate or do many ECs.

Colleges(all EA): UNC, Purdue, UT, Georgia Tech(industrial engineering with concentration in data analytics), UMD(computer science), UIUC(CS + Stats), UMich, UVA, UW-Madison.

Already accepted into TAMU and UTD.

65 / 900 is 7.2%, so you would likely be top 8%, not top 7%. However, that does not seem to be a magic threshold in Texas public university admissions like top 6% or top 10%.

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Ive read that the acceptance rate at UT for applicants who are not auto admit is about 10 percent. However, in my (kids’) experience at “good” in-state public and private high schools most of the students admitted to UT are not auto admit. Our local public and nearby private high schools generally get about 15-20 percent of they senior class admitted to UT each year. Your grades, test scores, and high class rank probably make you a good candidate for UT in-state admission generally. I don’t know anything about the admission rate for the data science major. I will say, though, that I know 2 students from our local public high school who were admitted to the very competitive McCombs in 2022 and who had stats a little lower than yours. So hopefully you have a shot. However, any program with a very low admit rate is going to be a reach for everyone, even auto admit. Good luck!

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My guess is you are in Purdue, Maryland, and Wisconsin. Rest are reach or high reach except maybe UT (not familiar with in-state non auto admit chances).

Good luck!

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Data science has becoming a hot major. I’m familiar with three Texas high schools (a large public school my children attend, a large title one public school I teach at, and a private school I used to teach at). Among the class of 2022 high school graduates, I know a handful considering it; class of 2023 I know at least five are attending colleges for this major; class of 2024 I’ve already heard at least a dozen considering applying for this major. Two of them were admitted to UT Austin last year for stats/data science and both had higher ranking and SAT than OP. They both applied priority and are admitted to their school of natural science honors program.

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There are 929 students in my class, so I am top 7%.

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