Chance me into Exeter, Lawrenceville


<p>I'm a 9th grader who is done with applications, I was just wondering if you could chance me for my top two choices.</p>

<p>English Honors: A
Science Honors: A+
History Honors: A-
Latin Honors: A-
Math: B+</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Chinese/White mix</p>

I have a 98th percentile SSAT, with both the grammar and the reading comp sections in the 99th percentile. I am in a community service club at my school, which thinks about (and implements) ways to make the school greener. I have been playing trumpet for 4 years and take both the school Jazz band and Advanced Band. I am in the school Recycling squad. I was Editor-In-Chief of the school newspaper for two terms. I am also a double-legacy to Exeter and speak Mandarin almost fluently, in addition to English.</p>

Because of my weight, I do not participate in any team sports.
I only got a 54 percentile on math (It is a neurological condition, I don't retain number facts very well)</p>

<p>Chance me.</p>

<p>I don’t go to public school. I go to a prestigious private junior boarding school</p>

<p>do you know if the schools would care about the fact that you have the condition? have you talked about it in interviews/essays?</p>

<p>You can’t have a 58% on math and still have a 98% composite…</p>

<p>I scored a 726 or so on Math, not entirely bad. Yet, when compared against the (largely asian) school population, it falls down. I had about a 2314 scaled score, which lead to a 98 (not national average). We already discussed this condition with the schools, it is not as noticeable in me as it is in your ‘typical’ person with this condition. However, I have only slight dyscalculia. I am still performing relatively well in my school’s 2nd (out of 3) level geometry class. However, this condition gives me highly developed verbal and writing skills.</p>

<p>SSAT is based on how you score vs. the previous 3 years of people your age and gender… not school.</p>

<p>I do not know much about how they go with this program, neither does anyone who does not have direct experience, but I think it can play in two directly opposite directions. They love people who overcome such disabilities, and 58th percentile of the TOP population is something great to accomplish with that disability, but by the same token they may say we do not have the facilities etc. Exeter also says on successful page that most people are strong in math.</p>

<p>You seem to be an amazing candidate, good luck.</p>

<p>istoleyournose is right, are you sure you have your information correct?</p>

<p>it’s great that you’ve been able to come out of a disability and still come out on top of the majority of the population though</p>

<p>Thank you, overcoming my disability was the topic of my essay to these schools as well.</p>

<p>Yes, I’m not ‘■■■■■■■■’.
The SSAT transcript said that when compared with my age and gender (again, not national average), my composite score was in the 98th percentile. What that probably means that even if SSAT takers have score higher on math than me, they seem to be lacking in the reading comprehension and vocabulary sections of the test.
So, 2314SS=98th percentile</p>

<p>LAJkSADSA9879877798as9d&(SLDKJSD you’re mixed!</p>


<p>I wish I was mixed…like blackanese or something.</p>

<p>Okay okay, I know that was off-topic, but stillllll :|</p>

<p>“Because of my weight, I do not participate in any team sports.”
Awwhh, I’m sure you’re not THAT bad. Have you not participated in ANYTHING within the past 2-3 years? :o</p>

<p>Well, your SSAT overall percentile is really really REALLY good, and you’re obviously extremely strong in the reading/writing area. I’m fairly sure your schools would take heed and consider that.</p>

<p>You’re an overall pretty well-rounded person, but I honestly think you could use a little more physical/atheltic stuff. If you’re in marching band, I guess that counts too:)</p>

<p>Anyway, I think you’re a pretty good candidate…but then again, every one of us is a small fish in a huge sea of boarding school applicants.</p>

<p>Good luck to you!!!</p>

<p>karen… i know we’re “friends”, but i think that was really rude of you to make fun of his weight. People who are overweight might have trouble participating in sports. But he still has amazing talents other than sports. People have weight issues, but that doesn’t mean there worse of a person. just saying… watch what you type, because you don’t know how you’re making people feel.</p>

<p>ummmmm dja617
i think (as welll as karenasaurus) that he meant that hes UNDERWEIGHT so he cant participate in sports. not that hes fat xD
cuz ive noticed (and this is a very good thing and im not being racist, im just insanely jealous) that lots of asian boys are quite skinny.</p>

<p>psh, well, either way, i’m sure the adcom (well, they should, i think) understands that he can’t participate in sports due to health reasons, so that’s not much to worry about, i think… haha. did that make any sense?</p>

<p>oh alrite. my bad. i got the wrong idea. sorry.</p>

<p>Oh look, there’s discussion on my topic…</p>

<p>Yes, I’m overweight. I don’t really care, I’m not really insecure about that stuff. I have done sports, but only golf and intramural things. </p>

<p>Adding to the mix:</p>

<p>Interview at Exeter went very well, I had him laughing while I recounted stories from my school. Lawrenceville was so/so, I was interviewed by Mr. W, who was running late to hockey practice. I didn’t get to share anything with him as he decided to play mind games.
Ah well, its alright.</p>

<p>Recs should be very good, i’ve brought my grades up about an average of 12 points from seventh grade.</p>

<p>I’m already pretty confident that i’ll get into NMH, the Masters and little local back ups I applied to.</p>

<p>see… cheeseviolin? I was right. Anyway good luck to you Brendan we’re only about 20 hours away until decisions are mailed!</p>

<p>Ahhhh I wasn’t even TRYING to make fun of him.</p>

<p>I was just laughing at his comment about himself, and the way he worded it.</p>

<p>Like seriously, I had NO intention of ANYTHING bad. I was “lol-ing” at the way he worded that :)</p>

<p>Why does everyone take things I post the total WRONG way D:</p>

<p>Karen, you make me want to go into my emofailurecorner. :D</p>