<p>Hey! </p>
<p>I'm an Indian student who has applied to all the Ivies (except Cornell...yea) , Duke and Tufts. [Applying to an Ivy is pretty mainstream you know] . Though there is nothing I can do now except sit back and wait for the results, I was curious to know what you people would think about my profile and chances.
Oh and once you're done reading, please feel free to respond with/without sugar coating your opinions. :)</p>
<p>GPA (UW) : 4.0 (just did the conversion)</p>
<p>SAT I - Got a combined score of 1910 the first time. Hoping to receive atleast 2100 this time. (Yes, I'm a terrible test taker...but you cant blame me. Sitting for 4 hours bores the crap out of me).</p>
<p>SAT II - Math 2 - 800, Chemistry - 720, Biology - 700</p>
<p>AP(s) : Didnt know what they meant till 2 weeks ago. But yea, courses in India are pretty strenuous on their own. :3</p>
<p>Major Awards : Best Orator, Best Student Merit Award, Promising Cricketer of the year,Best Speaker MUN .oh and 3 of my friends and I won a FULLY SPONSORED trip to London for a week for winning some radio play thingie...pretty cool, I guess. </p>
School Student body President for 2 years..(two different schools)
School(s) Cricket Captain (3 years)
Badminton Team
Dramatics and all...Acted in quite a few school plays :P
Science and Technology President for a year
Vocalist in school band, kinda won some awards..but its a band :)
Job Experience : None (paid), but I did volunteer to help at my mom's friend's summer school for KG children and the Spastic Society for a few days. </p>
<p>I'm not what you could call an 'eloquent' writer, but I do try and infuse my own writing style and my essays were pretty good considering that they were able to entertain and sometimes move people who read it. :)]
Teachers' Recommendations : They love me :') Were excellent.</p>
<p>Extra Stuff : I did try research projects on Bioplastics and all...did work well for like a month or so, but I didnt really complete it. :P </p>
<p>Course interested in : Biomedical Engineering. </p>
<p>Applied to (like mentioned earlier):
U of Penn
U of Chicago
<p>Thank you for reading and please, feel free to respond :)</p>