Chance Me - Ivys/T20

If you can get your scores up, I would consider UChicago. They have one of the top economics programs, and they like prep school kids. My son graduated from Lville, and in his graduating class they accepted ~15 students to UChicago. Even if your grades are not in top decile, you might stand a decent chance.


They strongly prefer ed1/ed2.


True. In my son’s graduating class, of the 15, only 2 were RD admits. Both of these were URM. So if you want to take a shot at Chicago, I’d go for ED1 or ED2.


For context, this is a recent college matriculation list for Lawrenceville:

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Wow. Crazy at some small colleges such a large # matriculated from one school. Thanks for sharing.

Edit. Reading it’s over five years. Makes more sense.

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I’d also normalize for the size of the destination college.

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Can you all return focus to the OP, please. He has said he doesn’t attend Lville, so we don’t need posts analyzing their matriculations. I’m sure his college counseling office has its own list.

UChicago, regarding their location and core curriculum, is definitely a no for me.


If you don’t want a core curriculum, you might look at Rochester and Grinnell plus Kalamazoo.


For a reach idea with a notably flexible curriculum that would be excellent for the study of economics (especially as it overlaps with finance), look into Hamilton.

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I’d take Boston College off the list too if you’re not interested in a core corriculum.


IU Kelley will be direct auto admit since you meet their requirement: 3.8 weighted and 1380 SAT.

For the reach schools, I wouldnt submit the 1480 SAT. That’s probably bottom 25% of submitted scores. The bar keeps getting raised so many people who get less than 1530 will go test optional.

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I don’t mind a core, I just don’t like ones that are super crazy like UChicago and Columbia.


The schools with the highest 50% SAT scores were UPenn and Vanderbilt with 1500. Every other school was pretty much exactly 1480 and below.

The middle 50% is a range, specifically the range of scores between the 25th percentile and the 75th percentile for the given group. It’s the “half in the middle” that’s left if you throw out the top 25% and the bottom 25%.

The middle 50 percent of admitted students scored between 1500 and 1570 on the Math and Evidence-Based Reading and Writing portions of the SAT.

1480 would be below the 25%.

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Based on Brown’s recent Common Data Set, the median SAT score for attending students who submitted this information is 1530. The 25th percentile to 75th percentile range extends from 1500 to 1560.

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BC’s Core Curriculum requirements are pretty rigorous. You have to take a total of 15 classes over you four years to satisfy it (which is the same as at U of C). When we went on our tour, they said that satisfying the core requirements could take up more than a third of a student’s course credits. If a core curriculum is a big turn-off, then it really may not be the right school.


Thanks for the heads up! I didn’t know they had such a large core.

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