Chance Me: Junior looking at UCs (Mainly UCSD, but which UCs are a safety for me?)

Demographics: Indian, Male, US Citizen, Texas
Type of high school: Competitive

Intended Major(s): Computer Science for Video Games

  • Unweighted HS GPA*: 93 (4.0), point system
  • Weighted HS GPA *: 95 (4.0), point system


  • 8 Honor classes, will have 8 AP classes at the end of the year. (Currently taking AP Computer Science, have already taken an Honors one, and will be taking another AP Computer Science class for 12th grade)
  • 4 on AP World History, haven’t taken other AP exams yet.
  • I believe I am able to write a decently strong essay for my application.


  • 50 Volunteering hours at a library.
  • Played Bass Clarinet for 7 years.
  • Have two businesses selling Graphic Art for GUI (Interface) and 3D Models for Video Games.
  • Portfolio with a multitude of Scripts.

EC Goals

  • Start a YouTube channel to teach coding.
  • Publish around 2 or more applications on both Steam and the App Store.
  • Join/form a Computer Science club.
  • Tutor others in Computer Science.
  • Take coding boot camps.
  • Join coding competitions (Game Jam).

I am currently using CollegeVine Chancing Simulator, but I want realistic results. Can anyone tell me if these results are accurate, and what could be my Target and Safety’s with my current portfolio? Please be a bit harsh, I need to know what to improve on. I know my ECs are weak right now, which is why I put some goals for the future on this post. I also know my weighted GPA is weak, but I am working hard to improve it.

Here are the schools it lists as Target, Reach, and Safety.

UC Irvine (Hard Target)
UC Davis
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbra

UC Berkeley

UC Santa Cruz
UC Riverside
UC Merced

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Welcome! First, if that is your real name, please change it. You can do that here: Change My Username

The UCs evaluate three different GPAs. For OOS students, only AP and IB scores from 10th and 11th grade are used in the GPA calculation. Calculate your UC GPAs using this GPA Calculator and share them with us.

Why are you interested in the UCs? Each campus is unique with its own culture. UC Merced is very different than UCSD.

The UCs don’t give much (if any) financial aid to OOS students. Are you able to pay full price for these schools? Safeties need to be affordable. You may be able to get in with your academics but they aren’t a safety if they are too expensive.


Here is a thread with information about CS admission rates for the UCs: UC Computer Science admit rates

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I am aware each school has a different environment, but I do want to see which schools I have the best chances in and choose my best options from that. I would be able to pay full price.

Sounds good. @Gumbymom is the master of chancing UCs. I’m sure she’ll post some stats shortly. All chances become much more difficult when one is applying into CS. Personally, I would move UCSD and UCI more towards reach and UCSC (if applying into CS Games) towards target.

For game design, UCSC’s program is well regarded. If you can afford it, and are looking at CA schools, you might also consider USC’s Games programs.

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Thanks! USC is on my list of colleges, but I am trying to be more realistic, because of how low the accept rate is.

Congratulations on your hard work and being a competitive applicant for the UC’s. Also great that you do not have to worry about costs since the UC’s run around $67K/year to attend as an OOS student.

Here are some statistics to help you refine your list.

2022 Freshman admit rates base on Residency:

Berkeley 14.5% 8.6% 5.5%
Davis 32.3% 59.8% 43%
Irvine 18.2% 36.6% 21%
Los Angeles 9.2% 8.8% 5.8%
Merced 100% 78.6% 81.7%
Riverside 66% 88.1% 68.%
San Diego 23.8% 31.5% 15.5%
Santa Barbara 26.7% 28.8% 19.7%
Santa Cruz 43.2% 70.7% 55.4%

2022 Admit rates based on the Capped weighted UC GPA.

Campus 4.00+ 3.70-3.99 3.30-3.69 3.00-3.29
Berkeley 17% 3% 1% 0%
Davis 58% 20% 5% 2%
Irvine 35% 10% 3% 0%
Los Angeles 13% 2% 1% 0%
Merced 97% 97% 95% 85%
Riverside 95% 83% 42% 17%
San Diego 37% 8% 1% 0%
Santa Barbara 41% 8% 3% 0%
Santa Cruz 69% 45% 16% 4%

CS admit rates if available

Campus CS Game design
Berkeley 2.9% L&S EECS: 4.5%
Davis No data but <20% N/A
Irvine 5.8% 10%
Los Angeles 3.8% N/A
Merced 85% N/A
Riverside 36% N/a
San Diego No data but <10% N/A
Santa Barbara No data but <10% N/A
Santa Cruz 60% 42.4%
No data means that the UC does not break out admit rates by major but based on the # of enrolled students yearly and the overall yield, these are estimates.

High Reaches: UCLA/UCB
Reaches: UCSD, UCI, UCSB
Low Reach/High Match: UCD
Target: UCSC
Likely: UCR/UCM

Another Reach as suggested by @lkg4answers is USC and for a more affordable option Cal Poly SLO (9% admit rate for CS).

Best of luck but $268K for a CS/Game Design degree is a hefty price tag. CS is highly marketable so you do not need to go to an expensive College to be successful post graduation.

My younger son attended a California State University and now works in a Cybersecurity firm which was acquired by Google.


It looks like costs may have gone up? For 2023-2024, the estimated average cost for OOS students is $73,626 according to this page


WOW, The UC’s are reaching Private University rates without the chance of good merit to bring costs down.

I know you didn’t ask for more school suggestions, but I want to make sure you’re aware of the cool gaming programs that are offered by the U of Utah.

It is not a reach. It sounds like your budget is high, but it’s nice that their tuition is relatively cheap (plus they have a path to get in-state tuition after a year).


You also may want to consider Santa Clara or San Jose St which are both in the Bay Area which would be a perfect area for you due to your interest in CS/gaming.


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