Chance Me - Junior with High ACT/Low-ish GPA [KY resident, 34 ACT, 3.4 GPA]

Although WPI with max merit is still over 50K a year if that is a factor. My DS22 was considering it last year. He was overall high stats.

Have you considered community college in a state with guaranteed admission to flag ship state school with AA degree? Virginia has great CC and admission to VA Tech or UVA requires like 3.5 CC GPA. Just a thought and a lower cost alternative to help him figure out his potential. With those scores he could likely be successful and highly selective STEM programs with maturity, guidance and executive function development I would think. I am in no way a professional just giving my opinion as an adult with ADD and the father of a daughter with crippling anxiety.

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Is he a riding Junior or Senior ? Sounds a Junior so you are a year early.

He will have opportunities but for example if he gets a B in pre calc, it’s likely engineering won’t be suitable. It’s got a, depending on the study, 40-60% drop rate. That says he’ll have schools.

No shot at Purdue. An OSU or UMN would be a better reach.

Your likelies are safe.

UAH is safe.

Why no UK? Great engineerimg program.

Are you sure about Indiana residency. Is your son claimed on your hobby’s taxes ?

Btw high test score and low gpa isn’t uncommon. Testing doesn’t necessarily measure academic ability or drive.

I wouldn’t predict scores. Maybe your son will surprise you.

Either way he’ll have plenty of solid options - especially with this list.

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