Chance me/Match me - NJ student, immigrant, mostly t20's + some state colleges

I got lucky with them being willing to pay for it, so I don’t think financing is an issue.


I guess I’m wondering….why so many reach schools? Will you reduce this number before you actually apply?

When the time comes, if any have early action (not early decision…), you should get those applications done early! That will give you an earlier decision than many regular decision schools. Ditto if any have rolling admissions.

If you are happy with your sure things for admission, fine. But it’s going to cost money to apply to all those schools, send SAT or ACT scores where required, and pay to submit the CSS Profile IF you decide to apply for aid. I know your parents can afford college…but this can get costly.

As noted above, both UCLA and UCB will be Reach schools.

Below is the Overall 2022 OOS admits rates for both campuses:
UCB: 8.6%
UCLA: 8.8%

Since you will be full pay and state that there are no issues with budget, UCB and UCLA will be around $67K+/year so $268 for Undergrad.

Some UCLA and UCB GPA information:
Unweighted UC GPA: 3.86-4.00
Fully Weighted UC GPA: 4.25-4.61
Capped Weighted UC GPA: 4.17-4.31

Unweighted UC GPA: 3.95-4.00
Fully Weighted UC GPA: 4.40-4.73
Capped Weighted UC GPA: 4.21–4.33

On the UC GPA calculator, only AP/IB or UC Transferable DE courses will be given the extra Honors points. OOS HS designated Honors classes are not weighted.


I have three concerns. Two are well covered by other replies above. This leaves one: What do you want in a university?

You have a very long list and a lot of reaches. I agree with others that many of your “targets” are really also reaches. When I see such a long list, I wonder how you could tell which of these universities are the best match for you. For your reaches, I think that your chances would be better if you can describe why this particular school is a good match for you.

You have quite a few large schools and schools that are in big cities. Dartmouth college is much smaller and rural. Do you have an opinion one way or another?

I would be inclined to think hard about your safeties. You should make sure that they really are safeties, and think about which of them are going to be the best fit for you. You might want to, as an exercise, assume that you will end up at one of your safeties and make sure that you would be comfortable attending one of them.

The other thing that comes to mind is that if you are playing on a men’s hockey team, you are probably a pretty good woman’s hockey player. Some of the schools on your list have a woman’s varsity hockey team (eg, Dartmouth College, U.Mass). I am wondering whether or not you would be competitive for one of these teams.

Your list is what it is since you already applied it doesn’t matter if it’s a reach match or safety. Any early acceptances? The Math grades and test scores might give someone pause. (C+ in Alg 2 with an 800 on the SAT Math)

How were your first semester grades?


high school junior, NJ, immigrant

This student is a high school junior. See the OP.


Thank you for the school suggestions, and your feedback in general!

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I’m not applying to all my reach schools, they are just some that I have in mind. Thank you for all your advice!

I want diversity on campus. Rural or urban settings do not matter to me. A mid-sized to large college (5,000+ undergrads) would be preferable. I’ll be adding more safeties to the list as I go on.

Honestly, I’m a decent player, but college hockey probably isn’t for me. I just don’t think I’m that good since I started playing pretty late and a lot of those players have been playing their entire lives.

The C+ in Alg 2 was just me slacking off. I brought it back up with an A in precalc Sem 1 my junior year. I think I could use this as a growth factor in my college apps?

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What kind of diversity do you want? People from different ethnic backgrounds? People with very different interests? People who come from all different places in the world? People who like sports as well as people who like the arts?

Diversity means a LOT of different things.

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You have a very ambitious list. I’ll concur with other posters and say most of your matches are actually reaches. Also, William & Mary, BU and Lehigh are going to be high matches most likely - not safeties. One note - if you are interested in UMD make sure to apply EA as they accept almost all their students then - I think you stand a pretty good chance there (S22 had a few friends with similar stats to you - and lesser SATs - get in but all applied early) especially as you seem interested in the humanities (and not a highly impacted major like CS).

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Agree with WM, BU, Lehigh. WM admitted 44% of it’s class ED this year and had an acceptance rate of 33% last year which will probably be lower this year. OOS makes it an even harder admit. Not a safety.


My bad (I saw “courses I am taking” and assumed it was a senior).

Did you take the SAT yet? or is that just a predicted score?


I’ve got what might seem an off the wall suggestion for you: University of San Francisco. It is private and bit pricey, but your grades might get you a merit scholarship. It has a solid environmental studies major, an honors college, and a special program where you can do a BA and JD combo in 6 years (since you are interested in law). There are also two ice rinks considered “local” - Yerba Buena in San Francisco and Oakland Ice Center in Oakland, the latter is owned and operated by Sharks Ice, so they have a ton of hockey teams (including several girls playing, so you’d be in good company). It would also be a true target, and possibly even safety, for you, rather than another reach which, I agree with others, you have way too many. Oh, and USF is considered one of the most diverse universities in the US - so it actually checks a lot of your boxes.


This student doesn’t have financial constraints.

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Agreed but would Op consider a Jesuit school ?

Well…they have Notre Dame on their original list…

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But it may be something they have or haven’t thought about as it’s just a list of many known names thus far.

Ps per their website UND is Catholic.


Not my religion but I know many make a distinction to Jesuit with Jesuit being less religious. But some kids may not want any institution with religious aspects. Just was wondering if OP had given any thought to it.

Not only Notre Dame, but GEORGETOWN is on her target list, so Jesuit is already in play.

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