• ACT 33
• GPA: 3.85 / 4.44 weighted
• Every single honors course possible in every subject all 4 years
• Numerous honors in Debate and Forensics (NSAD)
• President of the Debate Team and TA for 1st year debate students
• Other clubs (Spanish, Science, Chess)
• 6-week full immersion in 3rd world country working with youth to develop a sustainable business
• Helping children of parents taking English classes
• Tutoring struggling grade school students
• Other misc. community service
Thank you !!!
-Strong test score and grades
-Rigorous course load
-Kids seems like a nice, good person
-Lack of “special skill” or Spike
-Pretty boring? Very few things catch the eye
-No Wow Factor
-Many unknowns for a chance thread. No clear race, gender (I think it’s a boy, considering other chance threads), no stated major, no indication as to where said son is located, if son is raised in rural or urban area (if he is from a rural area then his lack of EC’s are then more positively understood).
Final word. Your son has the stats. That is set. I can’t see any compelling narrative or anything exciting about him. It also seems like he applies to so many of these top prestigious schools (ND, Vandy, NU, etc), which are all very very different, making me wonder why Northwestern. To cut to the chase, your son is gonna need a highly highly compelling common app and why Northwestern statement to stand a fighting chance.
Thanks for the feedback. I know these ‘chance me’ threads are purely speculative, especially when it is missing info. He is thinking political science & spanish followed by law school. I understand the lack of a ‘wow’, but I really thought the first bullet in the Community section would be something very few teenagers would have done. But his CommonApp essay spoke extensively on that topic so it would come across more there than it did here. Thanks again!