Chance Me Please (Early Action)

Major: Biology
GPA: 3.75 (unweighted) 4.05 (weighted)
ACT: 29 (30 superscore although I doubt they take it)
Honors Classes: Biology, Chemistry, Cultural Studies, Geometry, Advanced Algebra, Spanish 5
AP Classes: Language and Comp, Chemistry, Biology, Physics

Attend a public school in Illinois and upper income
White ethnicity

Schedule and grades are both good for senior year (I did have a C in an honors math class sophomore year so I’m nervous about that!)


President-National Spanish Honor Society
National Honor Society
National English Honor Society
Student Council (plus leadership position)
Lifeguard during summer
Swim instructor for children with disabilities
High School Soccer-1 year
High School Football-1 year
High School Tennis-4 years

Decent Volunteer Work (swim instructor, feed my starving children, etc.)

Teacher Rec Letters were very good

Essays were both pretty good and my resume was good

National Student Leadership Conference at Northwestern University Freshman year for medical prospective students

Thank you and good luck everyone!