chance me please..female engineering/ideas

<p>I applied for the integrated degree in engineering and science program...and the engineering school as second choice. chances for each?
cr: 650
w: 730
m: 800
math II: 780
bio M: 610 (retook in jan so hopefully higher)</p>

calc AB: 4
stats: 3
lang/comp: 2
us history: 1
calc BC : currently taking
literature: "
biology: "</p>

<p>gpa: 3.96/4
rank: 1/218</p>

<p>teacher recs: 1 excellent from math teacher of 5 years..other pretty good
counselor rec: okay
essay: good school specific info, i visited. I didn't have it edited by teachers though.
interview: went well, 2 hours long
gender: f
location: Maine</p>

math team 9-12
interact club (president) 9-12
varsity nordic ski 11-12
track 11
varsity xcountry 12
girls state- summer program 11
student council (treasurer) 12
lead amercia- a summer conference on healthcare professions 11
work at grocery store in summer and school year 9-12
math team coach/tutor 10,12
speak out contests (10-12)</p>

yale book award (12)
national merit commended (11)
magna cum laude on national latin exam (9,10)
1st place in school AMC 10 math contest (9)
4th place freshman/sophomore in math league (10)
1st place local speak out contest (10,11)
3rd place state speak out contest (10,11)
teacher's dream superlative</p>

<p>Very good chance although I was a bit surprised with your low AP history and language scores.</p>

<p>Good luck</p>

<p>I had a worse SAT and GPA than u but my ECs,rec, awards were good.
I don’t 'really see much there for EC. is it a public school u attend?
BTW Lehigh doesn’t require SAT IIs. I think 70% chance for u</p>