<p>prospective major: biomedical engineering
cr: 650
w: 730
m: 800
math II: 780
bio M: 610 (retook in jan so hopefully higher)</p>
calc AB: 4
stats: 3
lang/comp: 2
us history: 1
calc BC : currently taking
literature: "
biology: "</p>
<p>gpa: 3.96/4
rank: 1/218</p>
<p>teacher recs: 1 excellent from math teacher of 5 years..other pretty good
counselor rec: okay
essay: didnt do the optional :-(
interview: good, i talked about stuff the lady was passionate about at tufts
gender: f
location: Maine</p>
math team 9-12
interact club (president) 9-12
varsity nordic ski 11-12
track 11
varsity xcountry 12
girls state- summer program 11
student council (treasurer) 12
lead amercia- a summer conference on healthcare professions 11
work at grocery store in summer and school year 9-12
math team coach/tutor 10,12
speak out contests (10-12)</p>
yale book award (12)
national merit commended (11)
magna cum laude on national latin exam (9,10)
1st place in school AMC 10 math contest (9)
4th place freshman/sophomore in math league (10)
1st place local speak out contest (10,11)
3rd place state speak out contest (10,11)
teacher's dream superlative</p>
<p>Your chances look pretty good. The ranking and GPA definitely help you a lot, but other than math your test scores aren’t tremendous (especially your AP’s, but that shouldn’t really matter other than that you won’t get credit).</p>
<p>I think your chances are iffy. You are competitive, but certainly not overwhelming, and I don’t think your APs scores or your ECs will help much.
Also, I thought that for Engineering, Tufts required that you take a math SATII plus either chem or physics. Bio won’t do it. Is there a score you neglected to mention?</p>
<p>i got in with less-ish academics/honors (didnt do that well on the SAT, but i only sent them my ACT scores). but I also wrote a very passionate essay and had a conversation going with my admissions officer. Who knew how much that helped though</p>
<p>IDK why everyone is saying you don’t have a chance - I think you have a great chance. You have to remember though that essays are also really important and we can’t judge because we haven’t read those. Nor do we really know what the adcom is looking for.</p>
<p>The Engineering school is also 30% female or something like that, so your gender should help too. Plus you’re from Maine, and Tufts takes into consideration the state you come from so that might help :)</p>
<p>yes, my ap scores suck. i’m hoping since they’re not on my transcript they wont be looked at as much.</p>
<p>i know i’m supposed to have a chem or physics sat II but i emailed admissions asking if I could take bio instead and they said it was okay.</p>
<p>thank you everyone who chanced me :-)</p>
Who said she didn’t have a chance? That wasn’t said at all.
As for me, I said she was competitive, but not overwhelming. hebrewhammer was downright positive.
Moreover, I agree with you that the fact that this is a female applicant applying to Engineering ups the odds. She has a better chance than a guy would, for sure.
I am perplexed, however, at the admissions office telling her that it was okay to go with the Bio SATII, when the web site clearly says that an engineering applicant needs physics or chem.</p>
<p>Yeah, I missed that the first time I read through. Last year when I was applying ED I was in the same situation (had taken Bio SATII) and was told specifically that I had to take Chem or Physics, so I spent about 3 weeks preparing for Chem and took it two days after the application deadline.</p>
<p>Whoops, that was so badly phrased - you’re right, no one said that! Sorry about that. I think I was talking more about the “your chances are iffy” comment. Eek, sorry!</p>
<p>And yeah, I hope they don’t reject her based on that even though they told her it was ok - it could be miscommunication between the admissions officer or because they didn’t realize she was an engineering applicant or something.</p>