<p>I'm appling ED 2 for Vanderbilt, please chance me</p>
<p>GPA- W: 3.85, UW-3.45
Rank- School doesn't rank, probably 10-15% of 375 students
Classes - Mostly honors, and 4 AP's, (two 4's on the AP Exams)
SAT- 2040 M-700, CR-670, W-670</p>
<p>EC's and Others
Quiz Bowl,
Editor of Newspaper,
Freelance writer for local newspaper
Varsity Tennis
Varsity Cross country
Charity Runs
Guitar (4 years)
Visited School and took tour.
School- Public, pretty competative, i would say a 7.5/10
Race - White
State - New Jersey</p>
<p>lol, little bit late for ED2. But your EC’s great. I’m a runner too. Love crosscountry and track. They’ll definitely be impressed by the Triathlon. Your academics is not extremely impressive, but you still have a great chance to get into Vanderbilt in RD.</p>
<p>I’m sorry i meant RD, i feel i have a good EC’s, but i had a good jump from soph to jr year academically. Does Vandy look at improvement and weight it?</p>