<p>I go to a private Jesuit college prep school.</p>
<p>3.3 GPA
1670 SAT (1100 old SAT)
23 ACT composite</p>
<p>Tons of community service: like 400+ hours
-teaching tennis lessons
-volunteering at a hospital
-volunteer with Amigos de las Americas (mini peace corps thing)
awarded of my school's "201 club" awards for students with lots of service hours</p>
<p>my school doesn't rank the students</p>
<p>work experience: I have had two part-time jobs (one more than 20 hours a week, then my current job is about 15 hours)</p>
<p>I have been on varsity tennis all four years of high school, and involved in school activities like retreats and things</p>
<p>I have visited the school, but they don't do interviews.</p>