chance me please, i can chance back

Public HS in MA
GPA: 88.5/100 unweighted (not sure about weighted), upward trend
SAT: 620/800/650 (CR/M/W) (Jr Year)
600/700/660 (CR/M/W) (Sr Year)
SAT II: Biology 550 (Fr)
US History 750 (Jr)
Chemistry 720 (Jr)
Math II 680 (Jr)
AP's: Chemistry 5 (Jr),US History 4 (Jr); this May: Physics B (C isn't offered), Calculus AB (BC isn't offered), European History </p>

<p>Extracurricular Activities:
Boy Scouts of America <a href="6%20years,%203hr/wk,%2042wks/yr">Life Scout almost Eagle</a>
Order of the Arrow <a href="3%20years,%201+%20hr/month,%2012%20months/yr">Brotherhood</a>*
Student Council (4 Years, Secretary, Award Winner) (2.5hr/wk, 35wk/yr)
National Honor Society (2 Years, 2+hr/month, 10 months/year)
Church Youth Group (3 Years, 2hr/wk, 32wk/yr)
Invisible Children Schools-for-Schools (1 Year, 1+hr/wk, 40wks/yr)
French Club (2 Years)
Latin Club (1 Year)</p>

<p>*time dependent on service projects and other organization obligations</p>

High School Football (4 Years: 1 Freshman, 1 JV/Varsity, 2 Varsity) (Letter Winner)
High School Indoor Track and Field (3 Years: 1 JV, 2 Varsity) (Letter Winner)
High School Outdoor Track and Field (3 Years: 1 JV, 2 Varsity) (Letter Winner)
Babe Ruth Baseball (5 Years)</p>

<p>Scholastic Awards:
National Latin Exam Maxima Cum Laude Silver Medal (2006)
National French Exam Certificat d’honneur (2006)
National French Exam Certificat de Réussite (2007)
High Honors (1x)
Honor Roll (8x)
Perfect Attendance (5x)</p>

<p>Community Service:
100+ Hours
Mentor/Chaperone dances
Clean up, clear trails at local parks and schools
Repaint church
Project Bread: Walk for Hunger
Fundraising for Invisible Children
Helped at school for reaccreditation</p>

<p>Paid Work:
Lifeguard, 10th-12th, Water Safety Instructor, 30hrs/wk, 12wk/yr
Snowboarding Instructor, 10th-12th, 14hr/wk, 15wks/yr
Little League Umpire, 7th-12th, 8hr/wk, 10wks/yr</p>

<p>Chance me at:
U Illinois (U-C) [Chem Engineering]
Rensselaer Polytech
Worcester Polytech (In state)
U Virginia
Penn State (University Park)
U California (Berkeley)
NYU Poly</p>

<p>and give me a link to chance back</p>

<p>I'm not sure about all the schools you posted, but for the ones I do know about, heres my ideas:</p>

<p>UCB: Mid-Reach
Stanford: High-Reach
Cornell: Mid-Reach/Match</p>

<p>This is only because of your SATs/GPA, bring up those and you're set, the rest of your profile is great! :)</p>

<p>chance me back!</p>

<p>U Illinois (U-C) [Chem Engineering]: reach but a chance (ur gpa)
Rensselaer Polytech: match
Worcester Polytech (In state): match
U Virginia: match / slight reach
Penn State (University Park): match
U California (Berkeley): reach
Stanford: reach
Cornell: match
NYU Poly: mach</p>

<p>Thanks for the chance</p>

<p>U Illinois (U-C) [Chem Engineering] - Idk too much about this school
Rensselaer Polytech - get your math sat ii up and high match
Worcester Polytech (In state) - match
U Virginia - extremely selective for oos. low reach/reach
Penn State (University Park) - high match
U California (Berkeley) - reach
Stanford - reach
Cornell - match
NYU Poly - match</p>

<p>Good luck to you!</p>

<p>U Illinois (U-C) [Chem Engineering]- No Clue
Rensselaer Polytech- In
Worcester Polytech (In state)- In
U Virginia- Reject
Penn State (University Park)- In
U California (Berkeley)- Reject
Stanford- Reject
Cornell- In
NYU Poly- In
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

10 char</p>

<p>U Illinois (U-C) [Chem Engineering]: good chance but reach b/c of ur GPA
Rensselaer Polytech: good - match
Worcester Polytech (In state): low match /high safety?
U Virginia: low reach/high match
Penn State (University Park): match
U California (Berkeley): reach
Stanford: reach
Cornell: high match/low reach
NYU Poly: match</p>

<p>ur stats makes u a competitive candidate, bring ur scores up and u have a greater chance of getting in. good luck!</p>

<p>^o forgot to ask, chance me pls: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>U Illinois (U-C) [Chem Engineering]- Match
Rensselaer Polytech-Match
Worcester Polytech (In state)-Match
U Virginia-High Match
Penn State (University Park)-Match
U California (Berkeley)- Reach
NYU Poly-high match</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Great ECs!!
for the ones im familiar with...
UVirginia- high match/reach
Penn State- low match
UC Berkeley- high match/reach
Stanford- reach
Cornell- reach</p>

<p>U Illinois- match
Ren. Poly- match
Worcester Poly- match
U Virginia- high match
Penn-state- match
UCB- reach
Stanford- reach
Cornell- reach
NYU poly-match</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>like the rest of them say, up your SAT's and you're good to go.</p>

<p>Ill chance the Cali schools since i know them best :)</p>

Cal Berkeley- high match/slight reach</p>

<p>you know, i live pretty close to UCB and I honestly dont think its <em>that</em> hard of a school to get into…ehh whatever </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>U California (Berkeley)

<p>I’m nearly positive you’ll get into all of the schools but these three.</p>

<p>People are underestimating Berkeley (sorry to be the bringer of bad news). Its INCREDIBLY hard to get into out of state. You’d be fine if you were in CA, but now your about the same as you are for Cornell.</p>

<p>Which brings me to Cornell. I don’t know what your GPA is on a 4.0 scale, but from other replies it looks fine. Your SATs are what seem to be holding you back, but I think you can still get in assuming you wrote good essays, but I’m not gonna lie, they are definately reaches. I like your upper 5% btw!</p>

<p>And Stanford is… Stanford. I’ll wish you good luck, but don’t get your hopes up like I think you (sorta) can for Cornell + UC Berkeley.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>qwertylad, good point, he would be applying from out of state…I was think as if he was an in-state like myself</p>

<p>Berkeley is upping the number of OOS kids this year because it needs the money. If you look in the archives of OOS kids who got in last year their stats seemed no different than in state kids.</p>

<p>I think it’s a myth that it’s much harder for OOS students. The fact is not many apply. It’s over $40K per year with no aid from the school and only 50% graduate in 4 years. So if you have to plan on the 5th year that’s the same price at the top privates without the same resources.</p>

<p>I’d call Berkeley a match: 50/50.</p>

<p>most schools on your list look like a match, except stanford, because they like sports crazed captains… </p>

<p>but i wish i could see a little bit of leadership on your app.
besides that everything else looks fine. :]</p>

<p>U Illinois (U-C) [Chem Engineering]- Match
Rensselaer Polytech- In for sure (my freind got in and you’re a lot better of a student than him)
Worcester Polytech (In state)- In
U Virginia- Reach
Penn State (University Park)- Low match
U California (Berkeley)- High match, low reach
Stanford- Reach
Cornell- Low reach (assuming your essays were excellent)
NYU Poly- High match</p>

<p>Good luck. Chance me back if you can ! </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;