Chance me please? I will def. chance back!

<p>Hi everyone, I go to a rather small but competitive public high school in my state (top 5). I have rather good stats, except my grades (the most important unfort...) I have found out that I gotten into my safety school just yesterday, so I was able to cross of a lot of my safety schools that I was planning on apply RD. So I am currently working on my college list of RD. So please chance me with the following list of schools? Thanks! </p>

Wash U in St Louis
Notre Dame
Carnegie Mellon
NYU - Stern
Boston University (Legacy)

<p>GPA: 3.196
Weighted GPA: 3.834
No Rank, I know I am def. top 25%, if not top 15%
I have taken the hardest courses my school offers.</p>

<p>Test Scores:
Highest for SAT:
1390 or 2050
CR - 610
M - 780
W - 660</p>

Total - 31
Reading - 32
Math - 36
Writing - 30
Science - 27</p>

Math IIC - 800
Chinese - 780
US history - 700</p>

Calculus BC - 5
Statistics - 4
US History - 4</p>

<p>I also took the TOFEL cause my counselor recommended me to
TOFEL - 115</p>

<p>My extracurriculars are pretty good in that I have leadership roles and awards. I'll just list the important ones:
-Executive Officer of my school's Business & Investment Club
-Founder and president of my school's Debate Club
-three sports: Volleyball, Lacrosse, and Ski (JV for all) for all years except junior yea
-several hundred 500+ hours of community service: teaching Chinese, fund raisers, etc.
-went to China every summer to teach english to chinese students
-participated in academic decathalon. (won several awards for district and state competition)
-math team
-principal flute for all the bands in my school
-principal flutist for local district band
-first flute for New England's Conservatory's Renaissance and Baroque Band
... (I have other activities that are as time consuming)</p>

<p>Any comments will be appreciated. Thanks!</p>

<p>are your colleges seem to be a really good match. the reading for SAT 1 is a bit low compared to the rest of em but based on the math subject test id say you werent too concerned with english anyways (sorry if im wrong haha). It seems you lack a bit of direction but thats never really a huge problem i feel. The grades and especially the EC’s are really good, id say write a great essay and your mint. got a 33 on my act writing btw.</p>

<p>you will get into most of them i think…
the difference btwn ur UW and ur W GPA is huge though…
that might be the only obstacle
but otherwise, i think you’re good to go.
check out my chances.
it’s the grinnell, bennington, skidmore, bard, bates thread</p>

<p>any others???</p>

<p>I’m not sure about Cornell… you’re test grades are a tad bit low for ivy league.</p>

<p>I’m only familiar w/ Wash U, Emory, Vandy, and Notre Dame on your list, and I say you have a decent chance at all of those.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt- Reach; My friend had a 4.8 GPA and 2090 and was rejected. But her EC’s werent good like yours.
Cornell- Reach; all my friends were rejected.
Lehigh- In
Notre Dame- In
Wash U- In
Those are all the colleges I really know about because of my friends.</p>

<p>Chance Me, :slight_smile:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;
Its short and easy!</p>

<p>Good scores, ECs, etc. Though, work on that GPA! :)</p>

<p>Good luck and don’t stress! You’re qualified… it’s that ummph factor that you need, and hopefully, they’ll see it :)</p>

<p>I’m sorry but I think your gpa is going to keep you out of a lot of the top schools on your list. I’m not sure how truly competitive your school is, but a 3.196 UW GPA is not very attractive. However, class rank is usually the better indicator of your performance. With that being said, if you’re in the top 15% you may be ok, but if you’re only top 25%, that’ll hurt you quite a bit. While you’re ACT/SAT scores are good, they’re not outstanding to the point that they’ll make up for your grades. But, you do seem to have some great ECs, so that may help make up for the grades a bit.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt - reach
Barnard - don’t know
Cornell - high reach
Wash U in St Louis - high reach (RD is very tough here)
Emory - reach
Notre Dame - reach
Fordham - high match
Carnegie Mellon - high match
Northwestern - high reach
Welleseley - reach
NYU - Stern - reach
Boston University (Legacy) - match
Lehigh - high match
Brandeis - never heard of it</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I agree with guitar man.
Some people here were giving you way to easy of a chance at this…sorry but its the truth. Chance me (ill post it here because bumping my thread just takes up other peoples threadspace when ive already bumped it a ton)</p>

3.9 GP UW (B’s in freshman English, A’s in all subsequent English classes)
31 ACT Plus Writing, 33 English, 34 Reading, 26 Math (I know…), 30 Science…writing 6 …ehh
FBLA 12th
FFA 12th
Louisiana Parish Academic Award 3rd Year (9th, 10th, 11th, 12th)
State Literary Rally 9th, 11th (9th I went in Alg 1, 11th in Eng 3)
State Social Studies Fair 9th
Principal’s List 9th, 10th, 11th
Honor Roll- 12th (I had a B in College Math)
National Honor Society Member- 10th, 11th
Student Council
Library Club- 9th (club cut due to budget…)
National Junior Honor Society- 9th
Science Award in Physical Science- 9th (they have quit giving out science awards…)
GEE Award- 10th
GEE Mastery and Advanced Award-11th
11th Grade Honor Roll Award
Student of the Year Nominee</p>

<p>I’ve done some volunteer work, but not near the amount I think I should have. I’m going to try to volunteer more soon if I can, since I only have about 30-40 hours.</p>

<p>I joined the soccer team but my school cancelled it due to budget cuts before we could even have a practice.</p>

<p>I’m also taking the hardest classes possible at my school, which doesn’t offer either AP or Honors courses. I’m taking two Dual Enrollment Classes, Algebra 3 and English IV D.E and also taking Physics. We don’t have Calculus or Pre-Calculus here so I will take that later.</p>

<p>Algebra 3 D.E. counts as Math 100, 101, and 112 in College credit, and English IV D.E. counts as English IV highschool, English 101, 102 College credit.</p>


<p>Also the rank is 1/44 at a small Louisiana school so I know that makes it worse but meh what can you do.</p>

<p>Essay was maybe gonna be about my mom when she was an alcoholic because of being depressed about money and that made me want to get a good education so …eh I dunno</p>

<p>northwestern, nyu, and emory seem to be reaches…but the rest look good i think-- good luck!!!</p>

<p>fromthesouth -
haha, wish i had ur grades… soo envious! but wat schools are u looking at? if its the ivys, i would say its a reach, but it is for everyone. as for other schools like vanderbilt, emory, etc. i would say high match!</p>

<p>i’d say only cornell, vandy, and emory are reaches. But i think you still have a good shot at all of them, due to your ECs, which are incredible!
Chance me back?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think mellon might be a reach…your ECs could get you in practically anywhere…but the SAT scores might hurt a little in getting into Cornell. Unless you’re going for engineering or a math-based thing. Congrats on the 780. I have a thread similar to “chancing” in this section, it should be around. Sorry.</p>

<p>Haven’t heard of most schools…</p>

<p>Vanderbilt - Moderate Reach
Barnard - High Reach
Cornell - High Reach
Wash U in St Louis - Moderate Reach
Northwestern - High Reach</p>

<p>i dont think that cornell is that much of a reach…</p>

<p>^ Hmm i don’t know. It is a lower tier ivy, but it is still an ivy</p>

<p>To Lax, the few posters right after you were way too lenient with their chances. Unfortunatly, your gpa is pretty low, like mine, but your class rank can hopefully make up for some of it.</p>

<p>Vanderbilt - high reach
Barnard - don’t know
Cornell - high reach
Wash U in St Louis - high reach
Emory - reach
Notre Dame - reach
Fordham - high match
Carnegie Mellon - high match
Northwestern - high reach
Welleseley - reach
NYU - Stern - reach
Boston University (Legacy) - match
Lehigh - high match
Brandeis - low reach</p>

<p>Chance back please at <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Your GPA is pretty low, but since there is a difference between your weighted and unweighted, perhaps that is due to not doing well in non-core academic classes? If that is so, you’re a little better off. </p>

<p>I agree that Vady, Cornell, Emory, Welleseley, and Northwestern are you biggest reaches. Frankly, you’re applying to so many schools that you almost have to get into a few reaches just by luck.</p>

<p>^ I don’t think it works that way.</p>

<p>College admissions is NOT gambling</p>