Chance me please! Open to suggestions!


  • Ecuadorian, First Gen-American (born in US but have dual citizenship, both parents immigrated, strong cultural connection)
  • Upper Middle Class in Southeastern Ohio (liberal town, surrounding area conservative)- (I very much want to get out of Ohio)
  • Queer
  • US Citizen
  • High School is small, public, PWI- not competitive except in higher level classes- dual enrollment in two local colleges
  • Latina, Female

Intended Major(s)

  • Sociology, interested in a lot of minors, (potentially concentration in Computer Science but only as in intersects with SOC- I don’t want to major)
    GPA, Rank, and Test Scores
  • Unweighted HS GPA: 4.16
  • Weighted HS GPA: 5.56/6.33
  • College GPA : 4.0
  • Class Rank Weighted: 3/175
  • Class Rank Unweighted: 1/175
  • ACT/SAT Scores:
    APUSH: 5
    PSAT: 1350 no studying
    ACT: 31 no studying

APs (I’ve taken every AP offered at my HS)

  • AP Chem
  • AP Gov
  • Pre-AP French
  • AP Lang

To Take Senior Year:

  • AP Calc
  • AP Physics
  • AP Lit
    -AP French

Dual Enrollment:

  • ENG 1510
  • SOC 1000
  • WGSS 1000
  • ANTH 1000
  • Pre-Calc
  • PHIL 1010
    -SPAN 3110


  • English and Spanish (learned both growing up, fluent in all)
  • French (been taking 5 years)

grades- Never gotton below a 93, taken all Honors when possible


  • Honor Roll all academic career
  • Most Professional of Program for Summer Law Program


  • Sexual Health Flex Credit Course that has me teaching Sex Education to 8th graders, and gave presentation for two days to entirety of school, working with local health resources
  • Summer Law Program at Local University, selective
  • Volunteer Participant at Dad’s program to help local underdeveloped community in Ecuador (summers 2017-2019)
  • Southeastern Ohio Model United Nations (Secretary General, delivered speech in front of 300+ students); 15 hours volunteer
  • Southeastern Ohio Youth Mentoring; Youth in Leadership Program- volunteered virtually with underprivileged kids; 45 hrs volunteer
  • Student Council, Junior Vice President
  • Girls Tennis Team (Freshman and Jr year, Jr Year varsity)
  • Girls Swim Team (Freshman and Jr year)
  • Founding member of a local antiracism club
  • WGSS Club Officer
  • Going to a summer program for developing latino leaders this summer


  • Essays will be strong (hopefully)
  • LORs will be good (have gotten some for some programs, and they’ve all been glowing- have good connections)

Cost Constraints / Budget

  • Some cost constraints, but not a major concern (I am willing to do anything to get out state)

Interested in:

  • Smith (THIS IS THE DREAM! What can I do to get in there?)
  • Northeastern
  • Boston University
  • William and Mary
  • USC
  • Amherst College
  • Umass Amherst
  • Middlebury
  • UPenn
  • Open to anything! Love the idea of a HWC, something less PWI would be great- give me suggestions!


  • OU (for sure)
  • OSU

Would love for any suggestions on how to improve my chances, what is worth applying to, and suggestions!

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Can you be more specific please regarding what your budget is? This makes a huge difference in college selection, so it’s important to know.

A lot of private colleges will cost $80k/year without aid. Are you eligible for aid? (You can check via the net price calculator at some of these colleges). If not eligible, is your family able and willing to pay $320k without incurring an unreasonable financial burden? Have you had this conversation with your parents?

All these are key questions to answer before narrowing down a college list.


I’m still working on narrowing down a budget, but I’m eligible for financial aid, and my parents have a secure college fund. I have had the conversation with my parents, and they’d prefer for me to stick to the 40k-60k range for them to pay (counting aid and merit based scholarships).


If you were to apply ED, your chances of acceptance would be good.

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Smith ok but don’t assume you could afford. If you are dreaming smith, I don’t see Ohio u or Ohio state as suitable safeties.

There’s other female schools ftommBryn Mawr to Hollins to Agnes Scott and smaller public schools.

Also while you are working on a budget that is first and foremost.

You say you qualify for aid but how do you know ?

Run a net price calculator for smith as they meet need. See what it says.


You should run the NPC for Smith College, and share the results with your parents. You will need their help. If you google “Net Price Calculator Smith College” you will find it.

I think that your chances for admissions at Smith are relatively decent. However, with a 36% acceptance rate I do not think that it is a safety for anyone. Also, I have no idea whether you will find it affordable.

You have both rather small colleges and relatively large universities on your list. Do you know which you would prefer?

I think that you are a very strong candidate at quite a wide range of universities and colleges. However it is hard to know what to suggest since it is not clear to me what you want in a university.

Do you have some sense regarding likely major(s)?

In terms of improving your chances, I think that you are already doing very well. Keep doing well in your classes, participate in the ECs that are interesting to you, and treat people fairly. Continue to keep ahead in your class work. I think you are already doing all of this and doing it very well.

I do wonder if you should do some ACT or SAT preparation and retake this.


These are all historically women’s colleges. They’re mostly in cities which would make transportation home easier, at least if flights are considered. Cities also tend to be more welcoming of LGBTQ individuals so not only would your university likely be supportive, but you could feel safe off-campus as well. I’ve put your dream school in here (which I think is an admissions possibility), but here are some other institutions that you might want to consider. I’ve added the racial and Pell Grant demographics here so you can see about your own definition of diversity. Also, Hollins recently received a BIG donation from Jeff Bezos’ ex-wife.

• Smith: 12% Hispanic, 6% Black, 10% Asian, 49% White; 19% Pell Grant
• Agnes Scott (Decatur, GA…suburb of Atlanta): 14% Hispanic, 32% Black, 8% Asian, 31% White; 44% Pell Grant
• Alverno (Milwaukee, WI): Wisconsin’s first Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI): 33% Hispanic, 14% Black, 5% Asian, 43% White; 66% Pell Grant
• Converse (Spartanburg, SC): 5% Hispanic, 11% Black, 2% Asian, 61% white: 44% Pell Grant
• Hollins (Roanoke, VA): 8% Hispanic, 9% Black, 2% Asian; 62% White; 34% Pell Grant
• Meredith (Raleigh, NC): 10% Hispanic, 9% Black, 4% Asian, 67% White; 35% Pell Grant
• Simmons (Boston, MA): 8% Hispanic, 6% Black, 11% Asian, 62% White; 30% Pell Grant
• Spelman (Atlanta, GA): 0% Hispanic, 97% Black, 0% Asian, 0% White; 46% Pell Grant
• St. Catherine (St. Paul, MN): 11% Hispanic, 10% Black, 12% Asian, 60% White; 48% Pell Grant

If you let us know more information about what you’re looking for, we can give more customized suggestions.

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